In the starving aftermath of a nuclear disaster, a family of three attends a charitable event at hotel, which takes a dark turn when when people start to disappear.
- Starring : Gitte Witt
- Genre : Drama / Horror / Mystery
- Country : Norway
- Language : Norwegian
- Director : Jarand Herdal
- Production : Motion Blur Films
- Distributor : Netflix
Cadaver movie
Cadaver release date
Year of release date is 2020. But the exact date is yet to be announced. Stay tuned!
Cadaver cast
- Gitte Witt as Leonora
- Thomas Gullestad as Jacob
- Thorbjørn Harr as Mathias
- Maria Grazia Di Meo as Kathrine
- Kingsford Siayor as Lars
- Jonatan Rodriguez as David
- Trine Wiggen as Rakel
- Tuva Olivia Remman as Alice
After a nuclear disaster, a starving family is lured by the offer of a meal to participate in a play at a hotel, where audience members begin to vanish.
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