The War with Grandpa is an upcoming American family comedy film directed by Tim Hill, from a screenplay by Tom J. Astle and Matt Ember, based upon the novel of the same name by Robert Kimmel Smith. It stars Robert De Niro, Uma Thurman, Rob Riggle, Oakes Fegley, Cheech Marin, Jane Seymour and Christopher Walken.
- Starring : Robert De Niro / Uma Thurman
- Genre : Comedy / Drama / Family
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Tim Hill
- Production : Marro Films / Emmett/Furla/Oasis Films (EFO Films) / TRI G / West Madison Entertainment
- Distributor : GEM Entertainment / Film & TV House / Batrax Entertainment / 101 Studios / Diamond Films / Ukrainian Film Distribution (UFD) / WW Entertainment / Ascot Elite Entertainment Group / Filmarti / Storm Pictures Korea / VVS Films
The War with Grandpa movie
The War with Grandpa release date
- September 2, 2020 : France
- September 10, 2020 : Germany (DVD premiere)
- September 18, 2020 : USA
- October 16, 2020 : UK
- November 6, 2020 : Spain
The War with Grandpa cast
- Robert De Niro as Ed
- Uma Thurman as Sally
- Jane Seymour as Diane
- Christopher Walken as Jerry
- Colin Ford as Russell
- Rob Riggle as Arthur
- T.J. McGibbon as Emma
- Laura Marano as Mia
- Cheech Marin as Danny
- Oakes Fegley as Peter
- Drew Scheid as 8th Grade Monster
- Isaac Kragten as Steve
- Heather Johansen as Young Mom
- Jeremy Childs as EMT 1
- Betsy Landin as Young Woman
Forced to give up his room to his grandfather (De Niro), a scheming boy (Fegley) devises a series of outrageous pranks in an attempt to make him move out.
The War with Grandpa was initially scheduled to be released on February 23, 2018, by The Weinstein Company’s Dimension Films; however, just a month prior to its release, it was pulled from the schedule. It was then scheduled to be released on April 21, 2018, which was later pushed back to October 20, 2018, due to principal photography location changes. In March 2018, it was announced The Weinstein Company would no longer distribute the film, and its rights were reclaimed by the producers.
In June 2020, 101 Studios acquired distribution rights to the film and set it for a September 18, 2020 release; it was later delayed until October 9.
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