When a baby is born who inexplicably grows, evolves and ages four years an hour, a strung out nurse smuggles him out of the hospital to show him what life is all about before the authorities and time catch up with them both.
- Starring : Baize Buzan / Jeremy Sklar
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Jeremy Sklar
- Production : Satori!Studios
- Distributor : Gravitas Ventures
Tom of Your Life movie
Tom of Your Life release date
- September 1, 2020 : USA
Tom of Your Life cast
- Baize Buzan as Jess
- Jeremy Sklar as Tom (32-104)
- James Sharpe as Carl
- Judah Abner Paul as Tom (age 8)
- Joshua Paul as Tom (age 12)
- Dominic Rescigno as Tom (20s)
- Paul Tigue as Dennis
- Mike Nussbaum as Father McMurphy
- Bob Rusch as Grabowski
- Michael Saad as Socrates
- Chuck Sklar as Schmitty
- Annabel Steven as Madelyn
- Janelle James as Agent Parker
- Kylan Conroy as Jodi-Ann
- Bill Gorgo as Bill
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