Teenage Badass is a 2020 American coming-of-age comedy film, written by Matthew Dho and Grant McCord, and directed by Grant McCord. It stars Mcabe Gregg, Evan Ultra, Madelyn Deutch, Dillon Lane, Elsie Hewitt, Tucker Audie, and Brandon “crsh.” White, with Karsen Liotta, Kevin Corrigan, and Julie Ann Emery.
- Starring : Mcabe Gregg / Evan Ultra
- Genre : Comedy
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Grant McCord
- Production : Common Wall Media
- Distributor : Freestyle Digital Media
Teenage Badass movie
Teenage Badass release date
- September 18, 2020 : USA (internet)
Teenage Badass cast
- James Paxton as Shan
- Julie Ann Emery as Rae Jaffe
- Kevin Corrigan as Jordan
- Madelyn Deutch as Candice White
- Elsie Hewitt as Melanie
- Kane Ritchotte as Ritner
- Dillon Lane as Albert Fisk
- Nikki Howard as Sue Newscaster
- Karsen Liotta as Tiffany
- Aretha Perry Greene as Doctor
- Jim Adkins as Self
- Mcabe Gregg as Brad Jaffe
- Rogelio Camarillo as Bus Driver
- Bryan McGowan as Everett
- Grant McCord as Robbie
Teenage Badass tells the story of the rise of a fictional indie rock band named Stylo and the Murder Dogs. Set in 2006, we follow Brad (Mcabe Gregg), a teenage drummer who dreams of making it big in a rock band. Brad and his single-mother Rae (Julie Ann Emery) struggle to get by as Brad refuses to give up. On a fluke, Brad joins a new band fronted by singer/songwriter Kirk Stylo. They land a shot to play on a local news show. With the town buzzing from their performance, Brad’s dreams inch closer when they’re asked to record with Jordan (Kevin Corrigan), a legendary local producer. Just as everything seems to be falling into place, a series of chaotic events threaten everything.
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