Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is an upcoming action-adventure game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. It is set to be released in 2022 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X. Set in the same continuity as the Batman: Arkham series, this game revolves around the titular antihero team’s attempts to defeat Brainiac, facing a mind-controlled Justice League in the process.
Developer: Rocksteady Studios
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Series: Batman: Arkham
Platforms: Microsoft Windows PlayStation 5 / Xbox Series X
Release date: 2022
Genre: Action-adventure
Modes: Single-player, multiplayer
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is an action-adventure video game set in an open world based on Metropolis. The game features four playable characters: Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and King Shark. While it can be played solo, the game also features a four-player cooperative multiplayer mode. When played solo, players can switch between characters at will while the other characters are controlled by artificial intelligence.
The game is set in the universe previously established by the Batman: Arkham series. The first trailer depicts Brainiac attacking Metropolis and the government task force known as the Suicide Squad – Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Deadshot and King Shark – being sent to investigate and kill the “Alpha Target”. After a battle with Brainiac’s minions, the team has a run-in with Superman, who is being mind-controlled by Brainiac, revealed as the Alpha Target.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League – DC FanDome Full Panel.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
A “hardcore violent” Suicide Squad game was first announced by then DC Comics chief creative officer Geoff Johns in July 2010. In February 2012, he elaborated that the game was in development, adding that “Because of the concept, you have a game where any of the lead characters can conceivably die and it’s not a stunt. Some really cool story could come out of that.” The formation of the task force was teased at the end of Batman: Arkham Origins – developed by WB Games Montreal – which featured a post-credits scene in which Deathstroke is asked by Amanda Waller to join the team, and in Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate, in which Catwoman, Deadshot, and Bronze Tiger join the team with Bane under consideration. In the years since Batman: Arkham Knight released, there have been rumours suggesting that WB Games Montreal was working on a Suicide Squad game, but no official announcement was made from the development team or publisher. In December 2016, Jason Schreier from Kotaku revealed that the title was cancelled, and the developer shifted their focus to the next Batman game, which was later revealed to be Gotham Knights.
Rocksteady Studios, the creator of the Batman: Arkham franchise, was initially rumored to be working on a Superman-themed game, which they later debunked. The first trailer for the game premiered at DC Fandome on August 22, 2020. As the game is set in the “Arkhamverse”, plot threads established in the Batman: Arkham series would continue in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. The game is set to be released for Windows, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in 2022.
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