Still Here is an upcoming American drama film written and directed by Vlad Feier. It stars Johnny Whitworth, Maurice McRae, Afton Williamson, Zazie Beetz, Larry Pine and Jeremy Holm. The film is based on true events.
- Starring : Johnny Whitworth / Afton Williamson
- Genre : Drama
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Vlad Feier
- Production : Atelier 44
- Distributor : Blue Fox Entertainment
Still Here movie
Still Here release date
- August 28, 2020 : USA
Still Here cast
- Johnny Whitworth as Christian Baker
- Zazie Beetz as Keysha
- Afton Williamson as Tiffany Watson
- Maurice McRae as Michael Watson
- Larry Pine as Jeffrey Hoffman
- Jeremy Holm as Greg Spaulding
- Gia Crovatin as Paige Sullivan
- Danny Johnson as Anthony Evans
- Justiin A. Davis as Marcus Mitchell
- Rupert Simonian as Sam Perkin
- Leopold Manswell as Reggie Green
- Steven Hauck as Captain Hardwick
- Lou Martini Jr. as Stuard
- Tibor Feldman as Judge Snow
- Lorrie Odom as Counselor
Set in today’s New York, the film follows the heartbreaking story of a twelve year old missing girl and the pain of her family.
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