The Owners is an upcoming American-French-British thriller film, directed by Julius Berg in his directorial debut, from a screenplay by Mathieu Gompel, Julius Berg and the collaboration of Geoff Cox. It stars Maisie Williams, Jake Curran, Ian Kenny, Andrew Ellis, Sylvester McCoy and Rita Tushingham.
- Starring : Maisie Williams / Sylvester McCoy
- Genre : Action / Thriller
- Director : Julius Berg
- Production : Blue Light / Logical Pictures / Wild Bunch / XYZ Films
- Distributor : RLJE Films
The Owners movie
The Owners release date
- August 8, 2020 : UK
- September 4, 2021 : USA
The Owners cast
- Maisie Williams as Mary
- Rita Tushingham as Ellen Huggins
- Sylvester McCoy as Dr. Huggins
- Ian Kenny as Nathan
- Jake Curran as Gaz
- Andrew Ellis as Terry
- Stacha Hicks as Jean
The film is scheduled to be released in the United States on September 4, 2020, by RLJE Films.
In February 2019, it was announced Maisie Williams had joined the cast of the film, with Julius Berg directing the film, from a screenplay by Mathieu Gompel, Julius Berg and the collaboration of Geoff Cox. In May 2019, Jake Curran, Ian Kenny, Andrew Ellis, Sylvester McCoy, Rita Tushingham and Stacha Hicks joined the cast of the film.
Principal photography began in May 2019.
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