The Longest Yard is a 2005 American prison sports comedy film directed by Peter Segal and written by Sheldon Turner. A remake of 1974’s The Longest Yard, it stars Adam Sandler as a washed-up former professional quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers who, in exchange for freedom, is forced to assemble a football team to play against the guards. The film co-stars Chris Rock, James Cromwell, Nelly, William Fichtner and Burt Reynolds, who played Sandler’s role in the original. The film was released on May 27, 2005.
- Starring : Adam Sandler / Chris Rock
- Genre : Comedy / Crime / Sport
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Peter Segal
- Production : Paramount Pictures / Columbia Pictures / Happy Madison Productions / MTV Films / Callahan Filmworks
- Distributor : Paramount Pictures / Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) / Sony Pictures Releasing / Columbia TriStar Nordisk Film Distributors A/S / Buena Vista International / Columbia TriStar Film Distributors International / Falcon / CBS All Access / CBS / Columbia TriStar Films de Argentina / HBO Max / LK-TEL / Paramount Home Video / RTL Entertainment / Sony Movie Channel / Sony Pictures Home Entertainment / Umbrella Entertainment
The Longest Yard movie
The Longest Yard release date
- May 19, 2005 : USA (Hollywood, California) (premiere)
- May 27, 2005 : USA
- June 2, 2005 : Australia
- July 21, 2005 : Israel
- August 12, 2005 : Sweden
- August 24, 2005 : Philippines
- September 8, 2005 : Singapore
- September 9, 2005 : UK
- September 9, 2005 : Ireland
- September 20, 2005 : Canada (DVD premiere)
- September 22, 2005 : Germany
- October 12, 2005 : Spain
- November 23, 2005 : France
- April 29, 2006 : Japan
The Longest Yard cast
- Adam Sandler as Paul Crewe
- Chris Rock as Caretaker
- Burt Reynolds as Coach Nate Scarborough
- Nelly as Megget
- Michael Irvin as Deacon Moss
- Walter Williamson as Errol Dandridge
- Bill Goldberg as Battle
- Terry Crews as Cheeseburger Eddy
- Bob Sapp as Switowski
- Nicholas Turturro as Brucie
- Dalip Singh as Turley
- Lobo Sebastian as Torres
- Joey Diaz as Big Tony (as Joey ‘Coco’ Diaz)
- Steve Reevis as Baby Face Bob
- David Patrick Kelly as Unger
Paul Crewe is a former NFL quarterback who was accused of shaving points, though it was never proven. One night he gets drunk during a party and goes joyriding in the Bentley of his girlfriend, Lena, causing a police chase and crashing the car. He is sentenced to three years in prison as a result.
In prison, Warden Rudolph Hazen, an avid football fan, wishes to use his personal football team composed of his prison guards to boost his reputation for future elections as State Governor. Using a week in a hot box to coerce him, Crewe recommends that the Guards, lead by head guard Captain Knauer, play a tune-up game, a game between the Guards and a team that they easily slaughter to boost morale. Hazen tasks Crewe with forming a team composed of the prison inmates, believing that he will be unable to unite the unruly prisoners, thus not only achieving his goals, but also exerting his power over the inmates.
Crewe befriends Caretaker, who helps organize tryouts but finds a mostly inept roster due to Crewe’s legacy. Seeing the team forming attracts former college football star Nate Scarborough, who decides to help coach the team by gathering several intimidating inmates, most of whom join in order to exact revenge against the abusive guards, bolstering his defense. Caretaker implores Crewe to seek out assistance from the black inmates to gain some much needed offensive strength. Crewe challenges their leader, Deacon Moss, to a one-on-one basketball game but refuses to call any fouls on Deacon. Deacon wins and refuses to offer help, but Earl Megget is impressed by Crewe’s resilience and joins as his Running back.
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