Killian & the Comeback Kids is an upcoming American folk-rock musical film written and directed by Taylor A. Purdee. The film stars Purdee, John Donchak, Nathan Purdee, and Kassie DePaiva along with an ensemble cast that features YouTuber Maddi Jane and Oscar winner Lee Grant. Killian & the Comeback Kids follows a mixed-race musician who finds himself back in his struggling rural hometown after graduating from an expensive university.
- Starring : Taylor A. Purdee / Nathan Purdee
- Genre : Drama / Music
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Taylor A. Purdee
- Production : Karmic Release Ltd.
Killian & the Comeback Kids movie
Killian & the Comeback Kids release date
- September 1, 2020 : USA (Theatrical)
Killian & the Comeback Kids cast
- Taylor A. Purdee as Killian Raison
- Nathan Purdee as Mr. Raison
- Kassie Wesley DePaiva as Mrs. Raison
- John Donchak as Sam Amico
- Shane Andries as Tristan
- Shannon O’Boyle as Rose
- Emily Mest as Melanie
- Yael Elisheva as Therese
- Andrew O’Shanick as Josh
- Genesis McCaulley as Rowan
- Dylan Côté as Emmett
- Liam Higgins as Ben
- Tim Shuman as Tristan’s Dad
- Maddi Jane as Rachel
- Lee Grant as Ms. Hunter (voice)
Killian returns home after his college graduation before heading off on a modest musical tour with his bandmate Ben. When Ben abandons their plan in favor of a stable A & R job Killian finds himself stuck in the once prosperous Pennsylvania steel-town. When it’s announced that the major music festival that comes to town every summer is finally open to local acts, Killian gathers a group of former childhood friends and acquaintances, all of whom have returned home after college degrees, in an attempt to win the gig. Elements of the film are based on the real life withdrawal of Bethlehem Steel and creation of Musikfest in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
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