Insomnia is a 2002 American psychological thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan and written by Hillary Seitz. It stars Al Pacino, Robin Williams, Hilary Swank, Maura Tierney, Martin Donovan, Nicky Katt and Paul Dooley, and is a remake of the 1997 Norwegian film of the same name. The film tells the story of two Los Angeles homicide detectives investigating a murder in Nightmute, Alaska.
- Starring : Al Pacino / Robin Williams
- Genre : Drama / Mystery / Thriller
- Country : United States / United Kingdom
- Language : English
- Director : Christopher Nolan
- Production : Alcon Entertainment / Witt/Thomas Productions / Section Eight / Insomnia Productions / Summit Entertainment
- Distributor : Warner Bros. / Buena Vista International (Australia) / Buena Vista International / Celcius Entertainment / Central Partnership / Channel Nine Entertainment Ltd. / Líder Films / Medusa Distribuzione / Odeon / BBC One / Buena Vista Home Entertainment / Buena Vista Home Video / Gativideo / Golden Scene / HBO Max / Iris / Net5 / PlayArte Filmes / Summit Entertainment / The Criterion Collection / TriPictures / Universe Laser & Video Co. Ltd. / Warner Home Video
Insomnia movie
Insomnia release date
- May 3, 2002 : USA (Tribeca Film Festival)
- May 24, 2002 : USA
- August 1, 2002 : Switzerland (Locarno Film Festival)
- August 21, 2002 : Philippines (Manila)
- August 30, 2002 : UK
- August 30, 2002 : Ireland
- September 1, 2002 : France (Deauville Film Festival)
- September 4, 2002 : Philippines (Davao)
- September 5, 2002 : Australia
- September 7, 2002 : Japan
- September 13, 2002 : Sweden
- September 26, 2002 : Israel
- October 10, 2002 : Germany
- October 11, 2002 : Spain
- October 17, 2002 : Switzerland (German speaking region)
- November 6, 2002 : France
- November 15, 2002 : India
- January 16, 2003 : USA (Palm Springs International Film Festival)
Insomnia cast
- Al Pacino as Will Dormer
- Martin Donovan as Hap Eckhart
- Oliver ‘Ole’ Zemen as Pilot
- Hilary Swank as Ellie Burr
- Paul Dooley as Chief Nyback
- Nicky Katt as Fred Duggar
- Larry Holden as Farrell
- Jay Brazeau as Francis
- Lorne Cardinal as Rich
- James Hutson as Officer #1
- Andrew Campbell as Officer #2
- Paula Shaw as Coroner
- Yan-Kay Crystal Lowe as Kay Connell (as Crystal Lowe)
- Tasha Simms as Mrs. Connell
- Maura Tierney as Rachel Clement
In the small fishing town of Nightmute, Alaska, 17-year-old Kay Connell is found murdered. Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) detectives Will Dormer and Hap Eckhart are sent to assist the local police with their investigation, at the request of police chief Nyback, an old colleague of Dormer’s. Ellie Burr, a young local detective who is also a fan of Dormer’s investigative work, picks them up when they arrive. Back in Los Angeles, Internal Affairs is investigating one of Dormer’s past cases. Flying to Alaska, Eckhart reveals that he is going to testify against Dormer in exchange for immunity, to which Dormer responds that many criminals whom he helped to convict using questionable evidence could go free if their cases are reopened.
Dormer attracts the murderer to the scene of the crime, but the suspect flees into the fog, shooting one of the police officers through the leg. Dormer spots a figure in the fog and fires with his backup weapon. Rushing to the fallen figure, Dormer picks up a .38 pistol the suspect has dropped. He then discovers that he has shot Eckhart. Because of Eckhart’s pending testimony, Dormer knows that Internal Affairs will never believe the shooting was an accident, so he claims that Eckhart was shot by the suspect. He does not mention he has the .38 pistol. Burr is put in charge of the shooting investigation, and her team finds the .38 caliber bullet that hit the officer. That night, Dormer walks to an alley and fires the .38 pistol into an animal carcass, then retrieves and cleans the bullet. At the morgue, the staffer hands him the bagged bullet retrieved from Eckhart’s body, but she is unfamiliar with its type. Dormer leaves and switches the .38 bullet for the 9 mm slug from Eckhart’s body.
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