The Devil All the Time is an upcoming American psychological thriller film based on the novel of the same name by Donald Ray Pollock. Directed and co-written by Antonio Campos and produced by Jake Gyllenhaal and Randall Poster, the film features an ensemble cast including Tom Holland, Bill Skarsgård, Riley Keough, Jason Clarke, Sebastian Stan, Haley Bennett, Eliza Scanlen, Mia Wasikowska and Robert Pattinson.
- Starring : Tom Holland / Bill Skarsgård
- Genre : Drama / Thriller
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Antonio Campos
- Production : Borderline Films (II) / Nine Stories Productions
- Distributor : Netflix
The Devil All the Time movie
The Devil All the Time release date
- September 16, 2020 : Canada (internet)
- September 16, 2020 : Germany (internet)
- September 16, 2020 : France (internet)
- September 16, 2020 : UK (internet)
- September 16, 2020 : Japan (internet)
- September 16, 2020 : Singapore (internet)
- September 16, 2020 : USA (internet)
The Devil All the Time cast
- Robert Pattinson as Preston Teagardin
- Harry Melling as Roy Laferty
- Tom Holland as Arvin Russell
- Riley Keough as Sandy Henderson
- Haley Bennett as Charlotte Russell
- Bill Skarsgård as Willard Russell
- Sebastian Stan as Lee Bodecker
- Eliza Scanlen as Lenora Laferty
- Mia Wasikowska as Helen Hatton
- Jason Clarke as Carl Henderson
- Douglas Hodge as Tater Brown
- Drew Starkey as Tommy Matson
- Lucy Faust as Cynthia Teagardin
- Given Sharp as Susie Cox
- Abby Glover as Pamela Sue Reaster
The Devil All the Time Netflix
Set in Ohio between the end of World War II and the beginning of the Vietnam War, the film follows a non-linear storyline of various disturbed people who suffer from the damages of the post-war, and crime.
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