Cast Away is a 2000 American survival drama film directed and produced by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt, and Nick Searcy. Hanks plays a FedEx employee stranded on an uninhabited island after his plane crashes in the South Pacific, and the film depicts his desperate attempts to survive and return home. The film was released on December 22, 2000. It grossed $429 million worldwide, with Hanks nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role at the 73rd Academy Awards.
- Starring : Tom Hanks / Helen Hunt
- Genre : Adventure / Drama / Romance
- Country : United States
- Language : English / Russian
- Director : Robert Zemeckis
- Production : Twentieth Century Fox / DreamWorks / ImageMovers / Playtone
- Distributor : Twentieth Century Fox / DreamWorks Distribution / United International Pictures (UIP) / American Broadcasting Company (ABC) / CJ Entertainment / Filmes Lusomundo / Karantanija Film / Paramount Films of India / 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment / Argentina Video Home / BBC Three / Net5 / Paramount Home Entertainment / Prem’er Video Fil’m / Seven Network / Universal Home Video / Universal Pictures / Universal Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Cast Away movie
Cast Away release date
- December 7, 2000 : USA (premiere)
- December 22, 2000 : USA
- January 11, 2001 : Switzerland (German speaking region)
- January 11, 2001 : Germany
- January 12, 2001 : UK
- January 12, 2001 : Ireland
- January 12, 2001 : Sweden
- January 17, 2001 : Switzerland (French speaking region)
- January 17, 2001 : France
- January 18, 2001 : Australia
- January 18, 2001 : Israel
- January 19, 2001 : Spain
- January 24, 2001 : Singapore
- February 24, 2001 : Japan
Cast Away cast
- Paul Sanchez as Ramon
- Lari White as Bettina Peterson
- Leonid Citer as Fyodor
- David Allen Brooks as Dick Peterson
- Yelena Popovic as Beautiful Russian Woman (as Yelena Papovic)
- Valentina Ananina as Russian Babushka
- Semion Sudarikov as Nicolai
- Tom Hanks as Chuck Noland
- Peter Von Berg as Yuri
- Dmitri S. Boudrine as Lev
- François Duhamel as French FedEx Loader
- Michael Forest as Pilot Jack
- Viveka Davis as Pilot Gwen
- Nick Searcy as Stan
- Jennifer Choe as Memphis State Student
In 1995, Chuck Noland, a time-obsessed systems analyst, travels the world resolving productivity problems at FedEx depots. He is in a long-term relationship with Kelly Frears, with whom he lives in Memphis, Tennessee. Chuck’s busy schedule often interferes with their relationship.
During the family Christmas dinner, Chuck is summoned to resolve a work problem in Malaysia. Flying through a violent storm, his FedEx cargo plane crashes into the Pacific Ocean. Chuck escapes with an inflatable life raft, though the raft’s emergency locator transmitter is ripped off. The next day, Chuck in the damaged raft, washes up on an uncharted and uninhabited island.
Several FedEx packages from the crashed plane also wash up on shore, as well as the corpse of a flight crewman, whom Chuck buries. He tries signaling a passing ship and makes an unsuccessful attempt to launch the damaged life raft, but the incoming surf is too strong, tossing Chuck onto a coral reef and injuring his leg. He is able to find sufficient food, water, and shelter. He opens the FedEx packages, finding a number of potentially useful items. He leaves one package, with a pair of wings painted on it, unopened.
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