The Binge is an upcoming American comedy film directed by Jeremy Garelick and written by Jordan VanDina. It stars Skyler Gisondo, Eduardo Franco, Dexter Darden, Vince Vaughn, Grace Van Dien and Zainne Saleh.
- Starring : Skyler Gisondo / Dexter Darden
- Genre : Comedy
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Jeremy Garelick
- Production : American High / LD Entertainment
- Distributor : Hulu
The Binge movie
The Binge release date
- August 28, 2020 : USA (internet)
The Binge cast
- Vince Vaughn as Principal Carlsen
- Skyler Gisondo as Griffin
- Dexter Darden as Hags
- Eduardo Franco as Andrew
- Grace Van Dien as Lena
- Esteban Benito as Seb
- Eileen Galindo as Deidre Hellmuth
- Marta Piekarz as Kimmi
- Zainne Saleh as Sarah
- Brittany Garms as Dakota
- Natalie Paige Goldberg as Becky
- Caitlyn Stephenson as Student #5
- Ian Soares as Mark Maynard
- Tony Cavalero
- Hayes MacArthur
In September 2019, it was announced Skyler Gisondo, Eduardo Franco, Dexter Darden, Vince Vaughn, Grace Van Dien and Zainne Saleh had joined the cast of the film, with Jeremy Garelick directing from a screenplay by Jordan VanDina, with LD Entertainment and American High producing, and Hulu distributing.
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