Big is a 1988 American fantasy comedy-drama film directed by Penny Marshall, and stars Tom Hanks as Adult Josh Baskin, a young boy who makes a wish to be “big” and is then aged to adulthood overnight. The film also stars Elizabeth Perkins, David Moscow as young Josh, John Heard and Robert Loggia, and was written by Gary Ross and Anne Spielberg. It was produced by Gracie Films and distributed by 20th Century Fox.
- Starring : Tom Hanks / Elizabeth Perkins
- Genre : Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Romance
- Country : United States
- Language : English / Spanish
- Director : Penny Marshall
- Production : American Entertainment Partners II L.P. / Gracie Films / Twentieth Century Fox
- Distributor : Twentieth Century Fox / 20th Century Fox Argentina / 20th Century Fox / Cannon Film Distributors / Finnkino / Fox Columbia TriStar Films / Spentzos Films / CBS/Fox Video / Twentieth Century Fox Film Company / CBS / Fox Video / CBS/Fox / Showtime Video / American Broadcasting Company (ABC) / Mainostelevisio (MTV3) / Nelonen / 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment / FS Film / SubTV / Moviemax Family / LA7d / Disney Channel / RTL Entertainment / Mever Films / ABC Family / Abril Vídeo / Freeform
Big movie
Big release date
- June 3, 1988 : USA
- July 23, 1988 : Japan
- August 4, 1988 : Philippines
- August 10, 1988 : France
- September 8, 1988 : Philippines (Davao)
- October 6, 1988 : Israel
- October 21, 1988 : UK
- October 21, 1988 : Ireland
- November 17, 1988 : Australia
- December 2, 1988 : Spain
- December 9, 1988 : Sweden
Big cast
- Tom Hanks as Josh
- Elizabeth Perkins as Susan
- Robert Loggia as MacMillan
- John Heard as Paul
- Jared Rushton as Billy
- David Moscow as Young Josh
- Jon Lovitz as Scotty Brennen
- Mercedes Ruehl as Mrs. Baskin
- Josh Clark as Mr. Baskin
- Kimberlee M. Davis as Cynthia Benson
- Oliver Block as Freddie Benson
- Erika Katz as Cynthia’s Friend
- Allan Wasserman as Gym Teacher
- Mark Ballou as Derek
- Gary Howard Klar as Ticket Taker (as Gary Klar)
Upon release, Big was met with wide critical acclaim, particularly for Hanks’ performance. It was a huge commercial success as well, grossing $151 million worldwide against a production budget of $18 million. The film received Academy Award nominations for Best Actor (Hanks) and Best Original Screenplay.
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