Arthur is a 1981 American comedy film written and directed by Steve Gordon. It stars Dudley Moore as the eponymous Arthur Bach, a drunken New York City billionaire who is on the brink of an arranged marriage to a wealthy heiress, but ends up falling for a common working-class girl from Queens. It was the sole film directed by Gordon, who died in 1982 of a heart attack at age 44.
- Starring : Dudley Moore / Liza Minnelli
- Genre : Comedy / Romance
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Steve Gordon
- Production : Orion Pictures / Jack Rollins & Charles H. Joffe Productions
- Distributor : Orion Pictures / Columbia-EMI-Warner / Roadshow Films / Warner Bros. / Warner-Columbia Film / Warner-Columbia Films / Warner Home Video / Screen Classics / Argentina Video Home / Warner Home Vídeo / Warner Bros Pictures / American Broadcasting Company (ABC)
Arthur movie
Arthur release date
- July 17, 1981 : USA
- September 25, 1981 : Sweden
- December 3, 1981 : Australia
- December 5, 1981 : Japan
- December 11, 1981 : Spain
- December 17, 1981 : UK (London) (premiere)
- December 18, 1981 : Ireland
- January 6, 1982 : France
Arthur cast
- Dudley Moore as Arthur Bach
- Liza Minnelli as Linda Marolla
- John Gielgud as Hobson
- Geraldine Fitzgerald as Martha Bach
- Jill Eikenberry as Susan Johnson
- Stephen Elliott as Burt Johnson
- Ted Ross as Bitterman
- Barney Martin as Ralph Marolla
- Thomas Barbour as Stanford Bach
- Anne De Salvo as Gloria
- Marjorie Barnes as Hooker
- Dillon Evans as Plaza Maitre D’
- Maurice Copeland as Uncle Peter
- Justine Johnston as Aunt Pearl
- Paul Vincent as Plaza Waiter
The film earned over $95 million domestically, making it the fourth-highest-grossing film of 1981. Its title song, “Arthur’s Theme (Best That You Can Do)”, won the Academy Award for Best Original Song. Co-written by Christopher Cross, Burt Bacharach, Carole Bayer Sager and Peter Allen, it was performed by Christopher Cross. Sir John Gielgud also won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. It was nominated for two other Academy Awards.
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