The eleventh season of the animated television series, Archer, is scheduled to debut on FXX on September 16, 2020. The eleventh season was scheduled to premiere on May 6, 2020, but was postponed until September 16, 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Archer Season 11 “WokeWorld” Promo (HD).
Archer Season 11
Archer is an American animated sitcom created by Adam Reed for the basic cable network FX. Debuting on September 17, 2009, it follows the exploits of a dysfunctional intelligence agency, led by Sterling Archer (voiced by H. Jon Benjamin) and seven of his colleagues-Malory Archer (Jessica Walter), Lana Kane (Aisha Tyler), Cyril Figgis (Chris Parnell), Cheryl Tunt (Judy Greer), Pam Poovey (Amber Nash), Ray Gillette (Adam Reed) and Dr. Algernop Krieger (Lucky Yates). Archer’s premise evolves as the comedy assumes the standard setup of an anthology in later seasons, each with self-contained arcs, new settings, a disparate set of personae for each character, even distinct humor. Beginning with the eighth season in 2017, the show was broadcast on sibling network FXX.
Archer was conceived by Reed shortly after the cancellation of his Adult Swim comedy Frisky Dingo. It draws inspiration from a variety of sources, including the James Bond franchise. The show’s hallmarks include reference-heavy humor, rapid-fire dialogue, and meta-comedy. Archer is produced using limited animation and takes its visual style from mid-century comic art. The cast members record their lines individually, and the show regularly employs guest actors and actresses for supporting characters. There have been 110 episodes broadcast in Archer’s history.
Archer has received positive reviews from critics and won awards, including three Primetime Emmy Awards and four Critics Choice Awards. It has also received 15 Annie Award nominations, among others, for outstanding achievement in animation, writing, direction, and voice acting.
Archer will return to its original setup for the eight-episode eleventh season, as Reed oversees the comedy’s production in a reduced role. Season eleven was scheduled to premiere on May 6, 2020, but was postponed until September 16, 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
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