Troop Beverly Hills is a 1989 American comedy film. Produced by the Weintraub Entertainment Group and directed by Jeff Kanew, starring Shelley Long, Craig T. Nelson, Betty Thomas, Mary Gross, Stephanie Beacham and introducing Jenny Lewis as Hannah Nefler. The film features a host of young actors, including Tori Spelling, Carla Gugino, Emily Schulman, Ami Foster, and Kellie Martin.
- Starring : Shelley Long / Craig T. Nelson
- Genre : Adventure / Comedy
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Jeff Kanew
- Production : Fries Entertainment / Weintraub Entertainment Group
- Distributor : Columbia Pictures / Columbia Pictures of Canada / Columbia TriStar Films / Columbia TriStar / Columbia Pictures Corporation / Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment / Disney Channel / LK-TEL Vídeo / RCA/Columbia Pictures International Video / Sony Pictures Home Entertainment / Sony Pictures Television / Worldvision Enterprises
Troop Beverly Hills movie
Troop Beverly Hills release date
- March 24, 1989 : USA
- June 6, 1990 : France
- June 8, 1990 : Sweden
- June 15, 1990 : Spain
- June 30, 1990 : Japan
Troop Beverly Hills cast
- Shelley Long as Phyllis Nefler
- Craig T. Nelson as Freddy Nefler
- Betty Thomas as Velda Plendor
- Mary Gross as Annie Herman
- Stephanie Beacham as Vicki Sprantz
- Audra Lindley as Frances Temple
- Edd Byrnes as Ross Coleman
- Ami Foster as Claire Sprantz
- Carla Gugino as Chica Barnfell
- Heather Hopper as Tessa DiBlasio
- Kellie Martin as Emily Coleman
- Emily Schulman as Tiffany Honigman
- Tasha Scott as Jasmine Shakar
- Aquilina Soriano as Lily Marcigan
- Jenny Lewis as Hannah Nefler
Phyllis Nefler is a socialite wife recently separated from her husband Freddy, a wealthy owner of an auto shop chain. In an attempt to maintain the relationship with her daughter Hannah during the contentious divorce, Phyllis becomes the den mother of Hannah’s unruly, leaderless local girl scout troop of Wilderness Girls.
Their first campout results in the troop getting caught in a rain squall, prompting Phyllis to take the girls to ‘camp out’ at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Despite her unorthodox ways, Phyllis demonstrates an unwavering commitment to the girls’ well-being and ends up becoming a surrogate mother to the rest of the girls in the troop. Although Phyllis lacks the skills found in most troop leaders, due to a lack of interest in anything found in the ‘wilderness’, she resolves to teach the girls how to survive in “the wilds of Beverly Hills,” even customizing new merit badges for her troop.
Phyllis’s unorthodox methods run afoul of another scout leader, Velda Plendor, a mean-spirited, retired army nurse who runs the Culver City “Red Feathers” in which her own daughter, Cleo, is a member. Because Velda has considerable pull at the regional council level, she declares Phyllis’s customized merit badges ineligible and sends her assistant troop leader, Annie Herman, to infiltrate Troop Beverly Hills and sabotage them. She repeatedly tries to get the troop disbanded and Phyllis fired, but her boss, Francis Temple, doesn’t go along with it. All Velda and Annie’s spying has done is show Francis that Phyllis may be unusual, but she has taken an active interest in these girls and is trying to help them learn to survive their personal environment rather than the wilderness.
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