Spinster follows thirty-nine-year-old Gaby (Chelsea Peretti) an outspoken cynic plagued by the societal pressure that all too often comes with being single at a ‘certain age’. After her partner breaks up with her, Gaby tackles her fears of loneliness as well as preconceptions of what it means for a woman to be single. She resolves to find love via a series of blind dates, each one more ill-fated and comically rendered than the last.
This comedy film is directed by Canadian filmmaker Andrea Dorfman (Heartbeat, Love That Boy, Parsley Days). Its screenplay is written by Jennifer Deyell.
- Starring : Chelsea Peretti / Susan Kent
- Genre : Comedy
- Country : Canada
- Language : English
- Director : Andrea Dorfman
- Production : Shut up & Colour Pictures / Woods Entertainment / Black Dog Films / Idlewild Films
- Distributor : Game Theory Films / Vertical Entertainment
Spinster movie
Spinster release date
- December 6, 2019 : Canada (Whistler Film Festival)
- March 1, 2020 : USA (Miami Film Festival)
- August 7, 2020 : UK
Spinster cast
- Chelsea Peretti as Gaby
- Susan Kent as Amanda
- Amy Groening as Bride
- Charlie Boyle as Willow
- Oliver Boyle as Hudson
- Bill Carr as Jack
- Trina Corkum as Pia
- Josh MacDonald as Nicholas
- David Rossetti as Alex
- Eugene Sampang as Nathan
- Kirsten Olivia Taylor as Liza
- Nadia Tonen as Adele
- Frietzen Kenter as Receptionist
- Taylor Olson as Chef
- Marcus Simmonds as Chiropractor
Spinster first premiered at the Whistler Film Festival in Canada last year. The film will be released on VOD on August 7, 2020.
American comedian, actress, television writer, singer and songwriter Chelsea Peretti (age 42) gives an outstanding performance as Gaby in Spinster. Peretti is best known for portraying Gina Linetti in the police comedy series Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Her film credits include Twisted Fortune, Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, Game Night, and The Photograph.
Canadian actress Susan Kent (age 45) portrays Amanda. Kent is best known for the series This Hour Has 22 Minutes and Trailer Park Boys.
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