The Silent Natural tells the story of William Hoy, who at the age of 24, grabs his spikes and boards a train headed for the Minor League team in Oshkosh. His professional baseball career has begun. Despite his diminutive size (5’4″, 148 pounds) and him being deaf, William Hoy demonstrates explosive speed and a powerful arm.
Unable to hear calls of the umpire, Hoy communicates with his third-base coach who relates the calls by signing. After two years in the Minor Leagues, Hoy signs with the Washington Senators in 1888 and leads the National League with 82 stolen bases in his rookie year. Hoy becomes the First Deaf Major League Baseball Star.
This biographical movie is both written and directed by American filmmaker David Risotto, in his feature directorial debut.
- Starring : Miles Barbee / Vernon Wells
- Genre : Biography / Family / History / Sport
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : David Risotto
- Production : DMY Hoy
The Silent Natural movie
The Silent Natural release date
- June 2, 2019 : USA (theatrical) (Hopkinsville, Kentucky premiere)
- September 12, 2019 : USA (Victory International Film Festival)
- September 21, 2019 : USA (National Baseball Hall of Fame Film Festiva)
- August 25, 2020 : USA (internet, Cable and Satellite On Demand)
The Silent Natural cast
- Miles Barbee as William ‘Dummy’ Hoy
- Vernon Wells as Sarah’s Father
- Tyler Mane as Tommy McCarthy
- Sam J. Jones as Jacob Hoy
- Courtney Gains as Tug Wilson
- Marshall R. Teague as Dooley
- Anne Lockhart as Mrs. Hart
- Sheree J. Wilson as Rebecca Hoy
- Richard Herd as Mr. Beagle
- Kathleen Kinmont as Mrs. McCall
- Barry Pearl as Milwaukee Owner
- Barry Livingston as Frank Selee
- James Stokes as Umpire
- Clarence Felder as Edgar P Sawyer
- Andy Stahl as John Lowery
The Silent Natural had its premiere at the Victory Film Festival in September 12, 2019. Freestyle DM will release The Silent Natural on Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, YouTube Movies, Cable and Satellite On Demand on August 25, 2020.
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