The Pale Door is an upcoming American Western horror film directed by Aaron B. Koontz and written by Cameron Burns, Keith Lansdale, and Koontz, with Joe R. Lansdale as executive producer. It stars Devin Druid, Zachary Knighton, Melora Walters, Bill Sage, Pat Healy, Stan Shaw, Natasha Bassett, Noah Segan, and Tina Parker.
- Starring : Devin Druid / Zachary Knighton
- Genre : Horror / Western
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Aaron B. Koontz
- Production : Paper Street Pictures / Storyteller Media / BondIt Media Capital / Title Media
- Distributor : Front Row Filmed Entertainment
The Pale Door movie
The Pale Door release date
- August 21, 2020 : USA
The Pale Door cast
- Melora Walters as Maria
- Zachary Knighton as Duncan
- Devin Druid as Jake
- Noah Segan as Truman
- Stan Shaw as Lester
- Bill Sage as Dodd
- Natasha Bassett as Pearl
- Pat Healy as Wylie
- James Landry Hébert as Cotton Mather
- Tina Parker as Brenda
- Alexandra Harris as Etta
- Jeremy King as Bill Buckley
- Holt Boggs as Allan
- Danielle Evon Ploeger as Nellie
- Peggy Schott as Opal
The Pale Door was directed by Aaron B. Koontz, who also co-wrote, and produced the film. It marks Koontz’s second feature film effort, the first being the 2017 horror film Camera Obscura. On May 2019, it was reported that production was underway in Oklahoma. Koontz has stated “I love the idea of mixing these two disparate worlds of horror and western, and to do so with the help of Joe and Keith Lansdale, feels like the perfect devil’s playground. It’s 3:10 To Yuma meets The Descent, but doused, and then set on fire with psychological horror. Once this gets going, it’s relentless.”
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