A teenage girl named Zoe (Lauren Esposito) recently lost her mother and moved to a new country and school. She struggles to fit in at her new school, but when she goes on an excursion to a local museum, Zoe suddenly finds herself tied up with a group of misfit students when they encounter an ancient relic which transports them to a magical forest. This new world contains elemental powers beyond their belief, and the five teeners discover it’s now their responsibility to stop an age-old evil from destroying the world.
The Legend of the Five is the feature directorial debut of Australian filmmaker Joanne Samuel. Its screenplay is written by Peter McLeod.
- Starring : Lauren Esposito / Gabi Sproule
- Genre : Adventure / Drama / Fantasy / Mystery
- Country : Australia
- Language : English
- Director : Joanne Samuel
- Production : Benjamin Jon Creative Media / One Tree Productions
- Distributor : Filmink Presents
The Legend of the Five movie
The Legend of the Five release date
- June 25, 2020 : Australia
The Legend of the Five cast
- Lauren Esposito as Zoe Caldera
- Gabi Sproule as Caitlin Fisher
- Leigh Joel Scott as Owen Clarke
- Nicholas Andrianakos as Javier Torres
- Deborah An as Kaylee Liu
- Beth Champion as Dr. Rawson
- Tiriel Mora as Marduk
- Alex Woodward as Unweaver
- Georgia Adamson as Mrs. Benjamin
- Eric James Gravolin as The Guardian
- Matthew Pritchard as Gatekeeper
- Lauren Lloyd Williams as Weaver
- Daniel Gaudiello as Dr. Pritchard
- Warren Ekermans as Jared Caldera
- Charlie Torr as Amber
On her thoughts about The Legend of the Five, Joanne Samuel said in an interview with Filmink, “My goal was to create a world with fantastical possibilities, while still representing as much of modern Australia as possible.”
The Legend of the Five is produced by Amy Benjamin and Jesse Ahern. The movie has been released in Australian cinemas on June 25, 2020.
Australian actress and producer Lauren Esposito (age 22) portrays Zoe Caldera in the film. Esposito is known for her roles in the movies The Conjuring 2 (2016) and Arctic Apocalypse (2019).
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