Hancock is a 2008 American superhero film directed by Peter Berg and starring Will Smith, Charlize Theron, and Jason Bateman. It tells the story of a vigilante superhero, John Hancock (Smith) from Los Angeles whose reckless actions routinely cost the city millions of dollars. Eventually one person he saves, Ray Embrey (Bateman), makes it his mission to change Hancock’s public image for the better.
- Starring : Will Smith / Charlize Theron
- Genre : Action / Fantasy
- Country : United States
- Language : Vietnamese / English / Japanese
- Director : Peter Berg
- Production : Columbia Pictures / Relativity Media / Blue Light / Weed Road Pictures / Overbrook Entertainment / Forward Pass / GH Three
- Distributor : Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) / Columbia Pictures / Audio Visual Entertainment / InterComFilm / Sony Pictures Entertainment / Sony Pictures Filmverleih / Sony Pictures Releasing / Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / Walt Disney Studios Sony Pictures Releasing (WDSSPR) / American Broadcasting Company (ABC) / LK-TEL / Music Television (MTV) / RTL Entertainment / Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Hancock movie
Hancock release date
- June 16, 2008 : France (Paris) (premiere)
- June 17, 2008 : Germany (Berlin) (premiere)
- June 18, 2008 : UK (London) (premiere)
- July 1, 2008 : Canada
- July 2, 2008 : UK
- July 2, 2008 : Ireland
- July 2, 2008 : USA
- July 3, 2008 : Australia
- July 3, 2008 : Switzerland (German speaking region)
- July 3, 2008 : Germany
- July 3, 2008 : Israel
- July 3, 2008 : Philippines
- July 3, 2008 : Singapore
- July 9, 2008 : Switzerland (French speaking region)
- July 9, 2008 : France
- July 11, 2008 : India
- July 18, 2008 : Spain
- July 18, 2008 : Sweden
- August 21, 2008 : Japan (Tokyo) (premiere)
- August 23, 2008 : Japan (limited)
- August 30, 2008 : Japan
Hancock cast
- Will Smith as John Hancock
- Charlize Theron as Mary
- Jason Bateman as Ray
- Jae Head as Aaron
- Eddie Marsan as Red
- David Mattey as Man Mountain
- Maetrix Fitten as Matrix
- Thomas Lennon as Mike
- Johnny Galecki as Jeremy
- Hayley Marie Norman as Hottie
- Dorothy Cecchi as Woman in Dive Bar
- Michelle Lemon as Girl at Bus Bench
- Akiva Goldsman as Executive
- Michael Mann as Executive
- Brad Leland as Executive
The story was originally written by Vincent Ngo in 1996. It languished in “development hell” for years with various directors attached, including Tony Scott, Michael Mann, Jonathan Mostow, and Gabriele Muccino, before being filmed in 2007 in Los Angeles with a production budget of $150 million.
In the United States, the film was rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of America after changes were made at their request in order to avoid an R rating, which it had received twice before. The film was released on July 2, 2008 in the United States by Columbia Pictures. Hancock received mixed reviews from critics who praised its performances and premise, but criticized its execution and failure to deliver on its potential, especially during its second half. It grossed $624 million worldwide, becoming the fourth highest-grossing film of 2008.
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