Halloween Kills is an upcoming American slasher film directed by David Gordon Green and written by Green, Danny McBride and Scott Teems. It is a sequel to 2018’s Halloween and the twelfth installment in the Halloween franchise. The film stars Jamie Lee Curtis and Nick Castle reprising their roles as Laurie Strode and Michael Myers, with James Jude Courtney also portraying Myers.
Judy Greer, Andi Matichak, Kyle Richards, Nancy Stephens and Charles Cyphers reprise their roles from the 2018 and 1978 films, with Anthony Michael Hall and Robert Longstreet also joining the cast. The film is produced by Jason Blum through his Blumhouse Productions banner, alongside Malek Akkad and Bill Block.
- Starring : Jamie Lee Curtis / Judy Greer
- Genre : Horror / Thriller
- Country : United States / United Kingdom
- Language : English
- Director : David Gordon Green
- Production : Blumhouse Productions / Miramax / Rough House Pictures / Trancas International Films / Universal Pictures
- Distributor : United International Pictures (UIP) / Universal Pictures International (UPI) / Universal Pictures
Halloween Kills movie
Halloween Kills release date
- October 15, 2021 : USA
Halloween Kills cast
- Anthony Michael Hall as Tommy Doyle
- Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode
- Judy Greer as Karen
- Kyle Richards as Lindsey Wallace
- Robert Longstreet as Lonnie Elam
- Andi Matichak as Allyson
- Kadrolsha Ona Carole as Police Officer
- Nick Castle as The Shape
- Dylan Arnold as Cameron Elam
- Charles Cyphers as Leigh Brackett
- Stephanie McIntyre as Scarecrow
- Omar J. Dorsey as Sheriff Barker
- John Flanagan as Paramedic
- James Jude Courtney as The Shape
- Nancy Stephens as Marion Chambers
Before the release of the 2018 film, McBride in June 2018 confirmed that he and Green had originally intended to pitch two films that would be shot back-to-back, and then decided against it, waiting to see the reaction to the first film. By February 2019, Teems was hired to co-write the script. The film’s title was announced in July 2019, along with its sequel. Principal photography commenced in September 2019 in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Halloween Kills is scheduled to be released in the United States on October 15, 2021, by Universal Pictures. Another sequel, Halloween Ends, is scheduled to be released in October 14, 2022.
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