The Fugitive is an upcoming American action thriller television series developed by Nick Santora for Quibi. It is an update on the 1963 television series and the 1993 film, both of the same name. The series is directed by Stephen Hopkins.
The series is set to premiere on August 3, 2020.
Network: Quibi
Release date: August 3, 2020
Cast: Boyd Holbrook, Kiefer Sutherland, Tiya Sircar
The Fugitive | Official Teaser | Quibi.
The Fugitive Season 1
When a bomb rips through the Los Angeles subway train he’s riding on, blue-collar Mike Ferro just wants to make sure his wife, Allison, and 10-year-old daughter, Pearl, are safe. But the faulty evidence on the ground and “tweet-now, confirm-later” journalism paint a nightmarish picture: it looks to all the world that Mike was responsible for the heinous act.
Wrongfully-and very publicly-accused, Mike must prove his innocence by uncovering the real perpetrator, before the legendary cop heading the investigation can apprehend him.
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