She Dies Tomorrow is an upcoming American comedy drama thriller film, written, directed, and produced by Amy Seimetz. It stars Kate Lyn Sheil, Jane Adams, Kentucker Audley, Katie Aselton, Chris Messina, Tunde Adebimpe, Jennifer Kim, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Michelle Rodriguez, Josh Lucas and Adam Wingard.
- Starring : Kate Lyn Sheil / Jane Adams
- Genre : Comedy / Drama / Thriller
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Amy Seimetz
- Production : Rustic Films
- Distributor : Neon
She Dies Tomorrow movie
She Dies Tomorrow release date
- July 31, 2020 : USA
- August 7, 2020 : USA (internet)
She Dies Tomorrow cast
- Kate Lyn Sheil as Amy
- Jane Adams as Jane
- Josh Lucas
- Chris Messina as Jason
- Michelle Rodriguez
- Olivia Taylor Dudley
- Katie Aselton as Susan
- Adam Wingard as Dune Buggy Man
- Tunde Adebimpe as Brian
- Jennifer Kim as Tilly
- Kentucker Audley as Craig
- Madison Calderon as Madison
It is scheduled to be released in a limited release on July 31, 2020, followed by video on demand on August 7, 2020, by Neon.
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