Most Wanted is a Canadian crime drama film, directed by Daniel Roby and slated for release in 2020. Based on the true story of Alain Olivier, a Canadian d–g addict from Quebec who spent eight years in prison in Thailand in the 1980s, the film stars Josh Hartnett as Canadian investigative journalist Victor Malarek, investigating the arrest of drug addict Daniel Léger (Antoine Olivier Pilon).
- Starring : Josh Hartnett / Antoine Olivier Pilon
- Genre : Biography / Crime / Thriller
- Country : Canada
- Language : English
- Director : Daniel Roby
- Production : Caramel Film / Goldrush Entertainment
- Distributor : Entertainment One / Saban Films / Les Films Séville
Most Wanted movie
Most Wanted release date
- July 10, 2020 : Canada
Most Wanted cast
- Josh Hartnett as Victor Malarek
- Stephen McHattie as Frank Cooper
- Jim Gaffigan as Picker
- J.C. MacKenzie as Arthur
- Antoine Olivier Pilon as Daniel Léger (as Antoine-Olivier Pilon)
- Rose-Marie Perreault as Mary
- Don McKellar as Norm
- Domenic Di Rosa as Johnny
- Mark Camacho as Moore
- Lanisa Dawn as Party Girl
- Frank Schorpion as Raiven
- Sahajak Boonthanakit as General Suchart
- Alex Gravenstein as McDonald’s Assistant
- Raphael Grosz-Harvey as James Boulder
- Max Laferriere as Dube
Most Wanted entered production under the working title Gut Instinct, and was briefly retitled Target Number One during the production process.
The film’s cast also includes Stephen McHattie, Jim Gaffigan, Rose-Marie Perreault, Don McKellar and Mark Camacho.
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