Before Sunrise is a 1995 romantic drama film directed by Richard Linklater and written by Linklater and Kim Krizan. The film follows Jesse (Ethan Hawke), a young American man, and Céline (Julie Delpy), a young French woman, who meet on a train and disembark in Vienna, where they spend the night walking around the city and getting to know and falling in love with each other.
- Starring : Ethan Hawke / Julie Delpy
- Genre : Drama / Romance
- Country : United States / Austria / Switzerland
- Language : English / German / French
- Director : Richard Linklater
- Production : Castle Rock Entertainment / Detour Filmproduction / Filmhaus Wien Universa Filmproduktions / Sunrise Production / Columbia Pictures / Filmhaus Films
- Distributor : Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) / Columbia Pictures / Columbia TriStar Films de Argentina / Concorde-Castle Rock/Turner / Filmayer / Fox-Warner / Columbia TriStar Home Video / LK-TEL / Elliniki Kinimatografiki Enosi (ELKE) / Toho-Towa / Union Générale Cinématographique (UGC) / Canvas / Film1 / Home Video Hellas (HVH) / LK-TEL Vídeo / The Criterion Collection / Warner Home Video / Warner Home Vídeo
Before Sunrise movie
Before Sunrise release date
- January 19, 1995 : USA (Sundance Film Festival)
- January 24, 1995 : USA (New York City, New York) (premiere)
- January 26, 1995 : USA (Los Angeles, California) (premiere)
- January 27, 1995 : USA
- February 14, 1995 : Germany (Berlin International Film Festival)
- March 29, 1995 : France
- March 30, 1995 : Germany
- March 31, 1995 : Switzerland (French speaking region)
- March 31, 1995 : Switzerland (German speaking region)
- March 31, 1995 : Sweden
- April 20, 1995 : UK
- May 5, 1995 : Ireland
- May 18, 1995 : Australia
- June 23, 1995 : Spain
- September 2, 1995 : Japan
- November 30, 1999 : Canada (DVD premiere)
- November 13, 2007 : Australia (TV premiere)
- June 8, 2013 : Australia (Sydney Film Festival)
Before Sunrise cast
- Ethan Hawke as Jesse
- Julie Delpy as Céline
- Andrea Eckert as Wife on Train
- Hanno Pöschl as Husband on Train
- Karl Bruckschwaiger as Guy on Bridge
- Tex Rubinowitz as Guy on Bridge
- Erni Mangold as Palm Reader
- Dominik Castell as Street Poet
- Haymon Maria Buttinger as Bartender
- Harald Waiglein as Guitarist in Club
- Bilge Jeschim as Belly Dancer
- Kurti as Percussionist
- Hans Weingartner as Cafe Patron
- Liese Lyon as Cafe Patron
- Peter Ily Huemer as Cafe Patron
The plot is considered minimalistic, as not much happens aside from walking and talking. The two characters’ ideas and perspectives on life and love are detailed. Jesse is a romantic disguised as a cynic, and Céline is seemingly a romantic, albeit with some doubts. Taking place over the course of one night, their limited time together is always on their minds, and leads to each revealing a lot about themselves partly because they both initially believe they will never see each other again.
Before Sunrise opened to a strongly positive reception from critics. Jesse and Céline later make an appearance in Linklater’s 2001 film Waking Life. A 2004 sequel, Before Sunset, picks up the story nine years after the events of the first film, and a 2013 sequel, Before Midnight, picks it up again a further nine years later.
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