The movie follows Max Jenkins (Tom Plumley), a small town video game store clerk whose gaming fantasies collide with reality when a legendary “lost” installment of the Nether Game series appears on the store counter of his workplace, Fallout Games. Unbeknownst to Max, the ColecoVision game bears a “Curse of The Ages”. By playing it, he has accidentally unleashed the Nether, an ancient malevolent force of evil from the cartridge, upon his small hometown.
Along with a mysterious masked man and his two best friends, Liz (Hassie Harrison) and Reggie (Joey Morgan), Max must go from zero to hero and figure out how to beat the Nether at it’s own game before it’s Game Over for humanity.
Max Reload and The Nether Blasters is a sci-fi adventure comedy feature film written and directed by filmmakers Scott Conditt and Jeremy Tremp, in their feature directorial debut.
- Starring : Tom Plumley / Greg Grunberg
- Genre : Adventure / Comedy / Sci-Fi
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Scott Conditt / Jeremy Tremp
- Production : CineForge Media
- Distributor : MVD Entertainment Group
Max Reload and the Nether Blasters movie
Max Reload and the Nether Blasters release date
- August 7, 2020 : USA
Max Reload and the Nether Blasters cast
- Tom Plumley as Max Jenkins
- Greg Grunberg as Eugene Wylder
- Hassie Harrison as Liz
- Joey Morgan as Reggie
- Martin Kove as Gramps Jenkins
- Jesse Kove as Steve
- Lin Shaye as Mrs. Wylder
- Kevin Smith as Chuck
- Lukas Gage as Seth
- Joseph D. Reitman as Barton Grabowski
- Eva Hamilton as Eva the Smitten Journalist
- Charlie Talbert as Fire Chief Cline
- Wil Wheaton as Arcade Heroes Narrator
- Phuong Kubacki as Translator
- John Carr as Reporter
Max Reload and The Nether Blasters is produced by Scott Conditt, Jeremy Tremp, Jesse Lobell and Greg Grunberg. The project was on Kickstarter and its campaign raised $16,211, surpassing its goal of raising $15,000.
On its Kickstarter page, it said that the film, which revolves around video gaming and a retro-gaming urban legend, is being produced entirely in Phoenix, Arizona, by CineForge Media.
MVD Entertainment Group will release Max Reload and The Nether Blasters in select theaters on August 7, 2020 and on VOD on August 11, 2020.
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