Imperial Dreams is an American drama film written and directed by Malik Vitthal. The film had its world premiere at 2014 Sundance Film Festival on January 20, 2014. It won the Audience Award at the festival. The film was released as a Netflix original film on February 3, 2017.
- Starring : John Boyega / Rotimi Akinosho
- Genre : Drama
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Malik Vitthal
- Production : Sam Spiegel International Film Lab
- Distributor : Netflix
Imperial Dreams movie
Imperial Dreams release date
- January 20, 2014 : USA (Sundance Film Festival)
- October 4, 2014 : USA (Mill Valley Film Festival)
- October 17, 2014 : USA (New Orleans Film Festival)
- October 22, 2014 : USA (Philadelphia International Film Festival)
- October 28, 2014 : United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi Film Festival)
- February 13, 2015 : USA (Los Angeles Pan African Film Festival)
- March 7, 2015 : USA (Sun Valley Film Festival)
- March 21, 2015 : USA (Cleveland International Film Festival)
- April 10, 2015 : USA (Ashland Independent Film Festival)
- April 11, 2015 : USA (Florida Film Festival)
- June 5, 2015 : USA (Cinetopia International Film Festival)
- July 12, 2015 : Israel (Jerusalem Film Festival)
- September 26, 2015 : USA (Waterfront Film Festival)
- October 1, 2016 : USA
- February 3, 2017 : Sweden (internet)
- February 3, 2017 : USA (internet)
Imperial Dreams cast
- John Boyega as Bambi
- Rotimi as Wayne
- Glenn Plummer as Uncle Shrimp
- De’aundre Bonds as Gideon
- Keke Palmer as Samaara
- Fat Dog as Fat Rat
- Nora Zehetner as Janine
- Todd Louiso as Peter Hall
- Sufe Bradshaw as Detective Gill
- Jernard Burks as Cornell
- Ethan Coach as Day
- Justin Coach as Day
- Kandiss Edmundson as Jail Guard
- Maximiliano Hernández as Det. Hernandez
- Larry Hopson as Jail Vister
A 21-year-old reformed gangster Bambi’s devotion to his family, particularly his son Daytone, and his family’s future are put to the test when he is released from prison and returns to his violent old stomping grounds in Watts, Los Angeles. Themes include mass incarceration, the importance of education, racial profiling by police, and the many obstacles present in the system that prevent those interested in rehabilitation to survive when placed back in society.
The title Imperial Dreams references a point in the movie where the nature of emperors of the projects is expounded upon. It’s also a reference to the housing projects where the movie takes place, Imperial Courts, in Watts.
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