Dazed and Confused is a 1993 American teen coming-of-age comedy film written and directed by Richard Linklater. The film features a large ensemble cast of actors who would later become stars, including Jason London, Ben Affleck, Milla Jovovich, Cole Hauser, Parker Posey, Adam Goldberg, Joey Lauren Adams, Matthew McConaughey, Nicky Katt, and Rory Cochrane. The plot follows different groups of Texas teenagers during the last day of school in 1976.
- Starring : See Cast Section
- Genre : Comedy
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Richard Linklater
- Production : Gramercy Pictures (I) / Alphaville Films / Detour Filmproduction
- Distributor : Cineplex Odeon Films / Feature Film Company / Gramercy Pictures (I) / Argentina Video Home / CIC Victor Video / CIC Video / CIC Vídeo / CIC-Taft Home Video / Koch Media / The Criterion Collection / Universal Pictures Home Entertainment (UPHE) / Universal Pictures Home Entertainment / Universal Pictures Spain / Universal Pictures / Universal Studios Home Video
Dazed and Confused movie
Dazed and Confused release date
- June 4, 1993 : USA (Seattle International Film Festival)
- August 1, 1993 : Switzerland (Locarno Film Festival)
- September 10, 1993 : Canada (Toronto International Film Festival)
- September 24, 1993 : USA (limited)
- May 27, 1994 : Australia
- August 1, 1994 : Japan (video premiere)
- September 16, 1994 : UK
- June 1, 1995 : Germany
- September 1, 1995 : Sweden (video premiere)
- June 14, 2013 : USA (Los Angeles Film Festival)
- October 10, 2013 : USA (New York Film Festival)
- November 5, 2016 : Japan (Tokyo)
Dazed and Confused cast
- Jason London as Pink
- Joey Lauren Adams as Simone
- Milla Jovovich as Michelle
- Shawn Andrews as Pickford
- Rory Cochrane as Slater
- Adam Goldberg as Mike
- Anthony Rapp as Tony
- Sasha Jenson as Don
- Marissa Ribisi as Cynthia
- Deena Martin as Shavonne
- Michelle Burke as Jodi
- Cole Hauser as Benny
- Christine Harnos as Kaye
- Wiley Wiggins as Mitch
- Mark Vandermeulen as Tommy
The film was a minor success at the box office, grossing less than $8 million in the United States. Despite this the film has enjoyed critical and commercial success over the years. In 2002, Quentin Tarantino listed it as the 10th best film of all time in a Sight and Sound poll. It ranked third on Entertainment Weekly magazine’s list of the 50 Best High School Movies. The magazine also ranked it 10th on their “Funniest Movies of the Past 25 Years” list.
The title of the film is allegedly derived from Jake Holmes’s song of the same name. Linklater approached the surviving members of Led Zeppelin for permission to use their song “Rock and Roll” in the film. Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones agreed, but Robert Plant refused.
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