The Coven is a 2015 United Kingdom fantasy horror feature film directed by John Mackie (director) and starring Dexter Fletcher. It is stated that the film is based upon actual events. The plot revolves around a Wiccan group, whose leader Uri Clef, and seven followers disappear.
They were last seen at The Coven, a ring of trees in Queens Wood once used as a meeting place by practitioners of Cochrane’s Craft. Some schoolkids are drawn to visit Queen’s Wood in Highgate on Halloween. The film was finally released direct to DVD in the UK on 16 March 2015.
- Starring : Dexter Fletcher / Cloe Mackie
- Genre : Fantasy / Horror
- Country : United Kingdom
- Language : English
- Director : John Mackie
- Production : FX Team Productions
- Distributor : 4Digital Media / Just Bridge Entertainment
The Coven movie
The Coven release date
- February 16, 2015 : UK (internet)
- March 16, 2015 : UK (DVD premiere)
- April 21, 2015 : USA (DVD premiere)
The Coven cast
- Dexter Fletcher as Mr. Sheers
- Cloe Mackie as Cara
- Holly Mackie as Ruby
- Mark Harris as Edward Latimer
- Tony O’Callaghan as Charlie
- Howard Lee as Eve’s Tutor
- Magda Rodriguez as Mrs. Belial
- Billy Red Mackie as Louie
- Kazim Benson as Eddy
- Madeleine Rose Witney as Izzy
- Maya Charlery as Fran
- Rachel Summers as Eve
- Fiona Maeve O’Brien as Ulrika
- Josie Benson as Eve’s Mum
- Angel Makedonski as Uri Clef
The film opens with a map of Queen’s Wood in Highgate. A burning tree appears in a dark night. A goats head is overlaid visually in the tree. The scene then moves to a school where Mr. Shears (Dexter Fletcher) is giving a lesson about Witchcraft. He holds a book with a title page containing the words ‘Diabolus quod igneus frutex’, meaning the devil is the fire tree. He asks the class ‘Is Wicca a religion or little more than devil worship’.
He mentions that Robert Cochrane ‘founded a Wicca coven as recently as the 1960s’, and that his coven split up, but later reformed and met in the nearby Queens Wood at the titular coven, a particular ring of trees. He is interrupted by a Mrs. Belial, posing as a supply teacher who tells him that he needs to see the headmaster. He leaves and she takes over the lesson. She explains how there was a spiritual leader and politico, Uri Clef who went missing on Halloween with seven of his followers, and they were last thought to be in Queen’s Wood.
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