This follows an American artist named Tommaso (Willem Dafoe) living in Rome with his young wife and their daughter (played by Abel Ferrara’s real-life wife and daughter) in Rome. Their tumultuous relationship is set against his day to day life as a teacher, ex-pat, and recovering addict. Disoriented by his past misgivings and subsequent, unexpected blows to his self-esteem over the years, Tommaso wades through this late chapter of his life with an increasingly impaired grasp on reality as he prepares for his next film.
Tommaso is a 2019 Italian drama film written and directed by Abel Ferrara (China Girl, Bad Lieutenant, Body Snatchers, Pasolini, and Siberia). It is Abel Ferrara’s first dramatic feature since Pasolini in 2014 and reunites him with his frequent lead, Willem Dafoe.
- Starring : Willem Dafoe / Cristina Chiriac
- Genre : Drama
- Country : Italy / United Kingdom / United States / Greece
- Language : English / Italian / Russian
- Director : Abel Ferrara
- Production : Simila(r) / Faliro House Productions / Vivo Film / Washington Square Films
- Distributor : Capricci Films / Neue Visionen Filmverleih / Kino Lorber / Leopardo Filmes
Tommaso movie
Tommaso release date
- May 20, 2019 : France (Cannes Film Festival)
- August 2, 2019 : Australia (Melbourne International Film Festival)
- October 15, 2019 : Germany (Film Festival Cologne)
- November 10, 2019 : Spain (Seville European Film Festival)
- January 8, 2020 : France
- January 9, 2020 : Canada
- February 13, 2020 : Germany
- June 5, 2020 : USA (internet)
Tommaso cast
- Willem Dafoe as Tommaso
- Cristina Chiriac as Nikki
- Anna Ferrara as Deedee
- Stella Mastrantonio
- Alessandro Prato
- Lorenzo Piazzoni as Tommaso’s student
- Alessandra Camilla Scarci as Alex
Tommaso is produced by Laura Buffoni, Simone Gattoni and Michael Weber. Kino Lorber will release Tommaso on June 5, 2020.
This movie premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May, 2019. Tommaso won the Grand Jury Prize at the Lisbon and Estoril Film Festival 2019 and the Hollywood Reporter Award at the Film Festival Cologne 2019.
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