This movie follows Turquoise Jones (Nicole Beharie), a single mom and former teen beauty queen from Fort Worth, Texas, who enters her 15-year-old daughter, Kai (Alexis Chikaeze) in the local Miss Juneteenth pageant despite her daughter’s reluctance. Turquoise was once crowned Miss Juneteenth herself, a title commemorating the day slavery was abolished in Texas. Life didn’t turn out as beautifully as the title promised, but determined to right her wrongs, she cultivates her daughter to earn the same beauty title, hoping to keep her from repeating the same mistakes in life that she made.
Miss Juneteenth is an American drama film written and directed by Channing Godfrey Peoples and starring Nicole Beharie, Kendrick Sampson, and Alexis Chikaeze. The movie is Godfrey Peoples’ feature directorial debut.
- Starring : Nicole Beharie / Kendrick Sampson
- Genre : Drama
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Channing Godfrey Peoples
- Production : Sailor Bear / Ley Line Entertainment
- Distributor : Vertical Entertainment
Miss Juneteenth movie
Miss Juneteenth release date
- January 24, 2020 : USA (Sundance Film Festival)
- June 19, 2020 : USA (digital)
Miss Juneteenth cast
- Nicole Beharie as Turquoise
- Alexis Chikaeze as Kai
- Kendrick Sampson as Ronnie
- Lori Hayes as Charlotte
- Marcus M. Mauldin as Wayman
- Liz Mikel as Betty Ray
- Akron Watson as Bacon
- Phyllis Cicero as Mrs. Washington
- Lisha Hackney as Clarissa
- Mathew Greer as Rev. Patterson
- Jaime Matthis as Quintavious
- Margaret Sanchez as Mrs. Cee
- Alicia Dary as Parade Attendee
- Carol Dary as Parade Attendee
- Jacqueline Dary as Parade Attendee
Miss Juneteenth is produced by Toby Halbrooks, Tim Headington, Jeanie Igoe, James M. Johnston, Theresa Page, and Neil Creque Williams.
This movie premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2020 in the U.S. Dramatic Competition. It also played at the SXSW Film Festival 2020, where it received the Louis Black “Lone Star” Award.
Vertical Entertainment acquired distribution rights to the film in April 2020 and will release Miss Juneteenth on digital on the 155th anniversary of Juneteenth, June 19, 2020.
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