Lenox Hill is a documentary series that follows the journey of four real doctors – two brain surgeons, an emergency room physician, and a Chief Resident OBGYN – who struggle to balance their personal lives with the highs and lows of working on the frontlines of America’s healthcare system.
From birth to brain surgery, each patient’s story offers a rare, inside look at the complex, fascinating, and emotional world of medicine.
This 8-episode documentary series provides an intimate look at the lifesaving work of the dedicated doctors at the Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC.
Release date: June 10, 2020 at 3:01 AM EST
Network: Netflix
Director: Adi Barash and Ruthie Shatz
Cast: John Boockvar, David Langer, Mirtha Macri, Amanda Little Richardson
Lenox Hill | Official Trailer | Netflix
The Lenox Hill documentary series is executive produced by Adi Barash, Josh Braun, and Ruthie Shatz, with Liz Bradley as co-producer.
Lenox Hill Hospital is a member hospital of Northwell Health, located in Manhattan’s Upper East Side in New York City. It serves as a teaching hospital for Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine and also serves students visiting from New York University School of Medicine, New York Medical College, and State University of New York Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine.
Founded in 1857 as the German Dispensary, it currently consists of ten buildings and has occupied the present site in Manhattan since 1905, when it was known as the German Hospital. In 2007, the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital was incorporated into Lenox Hill Hospital.
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