From the universe of the Jerry Bruckheimer/Michael Bay “Bad Boys” franchise, L.A.’s Finest follows Syd Burnett (Gabrielle Union), last seen in Miami taking down a drug cartel, who has seemingly left her complicated past behind to become an LAPD detective. Paired with a new partner, Nancy McKenna (Jessica Alba), a working mom with an equally complex history, Syd is forced to confront how her unapologetic lifestyle may be masking a greater personal secret.
Taking on the most dangerous criminals in Los Angeles while skirting the rules, and speed limits, Syd and Nancy become a force to be reckoned with – on the streets, and in each other’s lives.
Network: Spectrum
Release date: June 8, 2020
Cast: Gabrielle Union, Jessica Alba, Duane Martin, Zach Gilford, Ryan McPartlin, Sophie Reynolds, Ernie Hudson
L.A.’s Finest Season 2 Trailer (HD) Jessica Alba, Gabrielle Union Bad Boys spinoff.
L.A.’s Finest is an American crime drama television series created by Brandon Margolis and Brandon Sonnier; and produced by Sony Pictures Television. It is an offshoot of the Bad Boys film franchise created by George Gallo. The series premiered on Spectrum on May 13, 2019.
L.A.’s Finest is the first premium content show made for the cable provider and the debut of its Spectrum Originals banner of exclusive programming. In June 2019, Spectrum Originals renewed the series for a second season which will premiere on June 8, 2020.
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