Infamous is an upcoming American crime thriller film, written and directed by Joshua Caldwell. It stars Bella Thorne, Jake Manley, Amber Riley, Michael Sirow and Marisa Coughlan.
- Starring : Bella Thorne / Jake Manley
- Genre : Crime
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Joshua Caldwell
- Production : SSS Entertainment / El Ride Productions / Lucidity Entertainment / Beer Money Worldwide / SSS Film Capital
- Distributor : Vertical Entertainment
Infamous movie
Infamous release date
- June 12, 2020 : USA (internet)
Infamous cast
- Bella Thorne as Arielle
- Marisa Coughlan as Janet
- Amber Riley as Elle
- Jake Manley as Dean
- Billy Blair as Tim
- Robert Peters as Kurt The Gun Salesman
- Travis Caverhill as Police Officer
- Michael Sirow as Kyle
- Paul T. Taylor as Bank Manager
- Madi Bready as Kelsey (as Madison Bready)
- Damon Carney as Michael
- Jennifer Rader as Bitch
- Ed Spinelli as Police Officer Aubrey
- Joey Oglesby as Bobby
- Kyle Jacob Henry as Swat
The Infamous film follows the story of a criminal couple, who after a series of armed robberies, become infamous social media stars. On the run from the authorities, they continue their notorious exploits across the Southland, increasing in both violence and disorder to pursue social media fame, no matter the cost.
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