This movie follows terminally ill Anna (Anna Camp), who returns to Portland, Oregon after 15 years to reconnect with her long estranged younger brother Michael (Steven Strait). She tells Michael that she plans to end her life utilizing Oregon’s unique Death with Dignity Act. Michael’s girlfriend Shonda (Chloe Mason), and his brilliant neighbor Gary (Joe Lo Truglio), as well as Anna’s partner named Luisa (Kristin Taylor), all understand and are supportive of her heart-wrenching decision.
Here Awhile was directed by American actor and filmmaker Tim True, making his directorial debut. The screenplay was written by Csaba Mera and Tim True. Deborah Lee Smith and Alyssa Roehrenbeck are the film’s producers.
- Starring : Anna Camp / Steven Strait
- Genre : Drama
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Tim True
- Production : Matchstrike Pictures / Trulime Entertainment / Alette Entertainment
- Distributor : 1091 Media
Here Awhile movie
Here Awhile release date
- June 9, 2020 : USA
Here Awhile cast
- Anna Camp as Anna
- Steven Strait as Michael
- Joe Lo Truglio as Gary
- Chloe Mason as Shonda
- Kristin Taylor as Luisa
- Dana Millican as Dr. Davis
- Reza Leal-Smartt as Anna – 17
- Grant Hall as Michael at 12
- Sydney Lovering as Anna – 10
- Parker Hall as Michael at 5
- Deborah Lee Smith as Mrs. Johnson
- Griffin Gadre as Kid on Beach
- Kieran Gadre as Kid on Beach
Here Awhile will be released by 1091 Media via VOD on June 9, 2020.
American actress and singer Anna Camp (age 27) plays the lead role Anna . Camp is best known for her roles in the TV series True Blood the Pitch Perfect film series (2012-2017). She had recurring roles in the television series Mad Men, The Good Wife, and The Mindy Project. She was nominated for a Drama Desk Award in 2012 for her performance in the Off-Broadway play All New People. Her TV and film credits also include Good Girls Revolt, The Help (2011), and Café Society (2016).
Steven Strait (age 34) portrays Michael, Anna’s estranged brother. Strait is an American actor and singer who starred in the adventure film 10,000 BC (2008) and the science fiction series The Expanse (2015-present).
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