This movie follows the story of Yasmine (Annapurna Sriram), a homeless woman living in the tunnels beneath Manhattan’s West Side. Reeling from the loss of her mother who was deported when she was 16, Yasmine is surviving on her own terms while trying to build a new image of life alone.
“Along the way, she meets a cast of characters and real New York personalities, each living their own form of loneliness. A lonely piano player who’s never played his music out loud, a mother who regrets the birth of her six-year-old, a lonely grandmother nostalgic for her salsa music past and the Mission who is there to help, but only if she’s willing to go with their rules.” – 1091
Feral is a 2019 drama thriller film written and directed by Andrew Wonder. It is based on actual stories of living underground and working with former homeless individuals. The film stars Annapurna Sriram, Lori Bullock, Annie Henk, Doug Drucker, and Jonathan Rentler.
- Starring : Annapurna Sriram / Lori Bullock
- Genre : Adventure / Drama / Thriller
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Andrew Wonder
- Distributor : 1091
Feral movie
Feral release date
- April 7, 2019 : USA (Sarasota Film Festival)
- August 24, 2019 : USA (Middlebury New Filmmakers Festival)
- November 1, 2019 : USA (Red Rock Film Festival)
- June 2, 2020 : USA (VOD)
Feral cast
- Annapurna Sriram as Yazmine
- Lori Bullock as Dr. Laura
- Annie Henk as Yazmine’s Mom
- Doug Drucker as Samaritan
- Jonathan Rentler
- David Alicandri as Clipboard Guy
- Bryan Amato as Bro 1
- Harald Beran as Mission Volunteer
- Paulina Brusca as Interviewee
- Bene Coopersmith as Record Store Clerk
- Lassen Davis as Hipster
- Colleen Dodge as Missionary
- Phillip Fayon as Interviewee
- Aurora Flores as Grandmother
- Emma Hall-Martin as Hipster Girl
The film was inspired by director Andrew Wonder’s previous documentary project Undercity which focused on homelessness. Wonder explored New York City’s subway system for the documentary, where he and Steve Duncan spent time overnight with homeless individuals in both New York City and Las Vegas. FERAL was shot within a month, with a cast which included former homeless people and those who worked in the system.
Feral had its world premiere at the Sarasota Film Festival on April 7, 2019. The film screened at the Bushwick Film Festival where Annapurna Sriram earned a Best Actress Award. The movie had its international premiere on October 17, 2019 in Montreal at the Festival Du Nouveau Cinéma.
On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, Feral has a rating of 100% based on 9 reviews.
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