Amid tensions between Tom (Liam McIntyre) and his wife (Sydelle Noel) over his parental responsibilities, Tom takes his daughter Mira (Aundrea Smith) on a weekend camping trip at the dawn of a zombie apocalypse. The discovery of the impending disaster leave father and daughter trapped in a clearing in the woods, fighting to make it out alive.
The Clearing is written and directed by David Matalon. The film marks Matalon’s feature directorial debut, after making a couple of short films previously. Matalon said in an interview with Bloody Disgusting that his goal was to pay homage to zombie tropes while at the same time putting his own spin on the sub-genre.
- Starring : Liam McIntyre / Aundrea Smith
- Genre : Horror
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : David Matalon
- Production : Lexicon Entertainment / Core Vision Films / The PanOptic Group / Room In The Sky Films / Alpha Studios (II)
- Distributor : Crackle
The Clearing movie
The Clearing release date
- May 25, 2020 : USA (Crackle on Amazon Fire TV devices)
- June 4, 2020 : USA (Crackle Channel)
The Clearing cast
- Liam McIntyre as Tom
- Aundrea Smith as Mira
- Steven Swadling as The Ranger
- Sydelle Noel as Naomi
- Geraldine Moreno as Zombie
- Adelina Saldana as Infected
- Laila Drew as Infected
- Linda Kessler as Pony Tail Mom
- Mackenzie Augustin as Infected
- Erica Allseitz as Camper
- Mia Rivera as Zombie – Infected
- Naosheen Ahmed as Infected
- David Otto Simanek as Infected
- Shadii as Infected
- Rachel Raemisch as Infected
The Clearing is produced by Zack Blinder, Jonathan Jay Piumelli, and Mark Sayre. Crackle will release The Clearing streaming on the Crackle Channel starting June 4, 2020, with an early release on May 25 exclusively for Crackle on Amazon Fire TV devices.
Crackle is available on the following: Amazon FireTV, Apple TV, RokuTV and devices, Gaming Consoles (PS4 and XBoxOne), most Smart TVs (Samsung, LG, Vizio), on desktop at, and on iOS and Android mobile devices.
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