The Aerialist follows the story of Jane Hawkins (Dreya Weber), an elite cirque performer attempting to hide an injury that threatens her ability to perform, while also trying to keep her family of fellow performers together for one last tour. Set in the world of aerial acrobatics, this narrative drama tackles the price performers pay for a show that “must go on,” and the tragic decisions they make to pursue their dreams.
This film is written and directed by filmmaker Ned Farr (The Gymnast, A Marine Story) and produced by Dreya Weber and Ned Farr. It is the sequel to the LGBTQ film “The Gymnast“, which also starred Weber and was also directed by Farr. The Aerialist‘s cast includes Morgan Bradley, Kelly Marcus, Thunderbird Dinwiddie, Bernard White, Nadine Ellis, Kelly Marcus, Grasan Kingsberry, Victoria Meade, Stef Tovar and Candice Coke.
- Starring : Dreya Weber / Morgan Bradley
- Genre : Drama
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Ned Farr
- Production : Last Battlefield Productions / Red Road Studio
The Aerialist movie
The Aerialist release date
- June 5, 2020 : USA (Amazon)
The Aerialist cast
- Dreya Weber as Jane Hawkins
- Morgan Bradley as Runa Wolff
- Thunderbird Dinwiddie as Hathaway
- Bernard White as Spencer
- Nadine Ellis as Bianca
- Kelly Marcus as Xavier
- Grasan Kingsberry as Jamal
- Victoria Meade as Paloma
- Stef Tovar as Dan
- Candice Coke as Dr. Herrera
- Viet Dang as Bubba
- Shannon Beach as Iris
- James L. Brewster as Richard
- Paige Annette as Beth
- Christina Sturgeon as Taylor
The P90X star Dreya Weber is an actress and a leading aerialist and trainer. She first started dancing and choreographing aerials for Cher’s Farewell Tour, a new life direction which Farr said he fictionalized in the 2005 film The Gymnast. Weber went on to work with Pink, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, among others. This career arc and Dreya being twice the age of her peers inspired Farr to make The Aerialist.
Amazon will release The Aerialist streaming on June 5, 2020. It will also be made available on Apple TV.
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