Valhalla follows the story of the Viking children Røskva and Tjalfe as they embark on a stormy journey from Midgård to Valhalla with the gods Thor and Loki. However, Valhalla’s life turns out to be threatened by the dreaded Fenris wolf and the Giants. Side by side with the gods, the two human children must fight to preserve Valhalla and save the world from Ragnarok.
This 2019 Danish dark fantasy adventure film was directed by Fenar Ahmad, and based on the comic book of the same name by Peter Madsen.
- Starring : Roland Møller / Dulfi Al-Jabouri
- Genre : Adventure / Fantasy / Thriller
- Country : Denmark / Norway / Sweden / Iceland
- Language : English / Danish
- Director : Fenar Ahmad
- Production : Profile Pictures / Nordisk Film / Bacon OSL / Bulldozer Film / Netop Films / Chinema Film Sweden / Copenhagen Film Fund / Danmarks Radio (DR) / Det Danske Filminstitut / Film i Skåne / Nordisk Film- & TV-Fond
- Distributor : Nordisk Film Distribution / Capella Films
Valhalla movie
Valhalla release date
- October 10, 2019 : Denmark
Valhalla cast
- Roland Møller as Thor
- Dulfi Al-Jabouri as Loki
- Jacob Lohmann as Tyr
- Stine Fischer Christensen as Frigg
- Asbjørn Krogh Nissen as Odin
- Bjørn Fjæstad as Father
- Patricia Schumann as Mother
- Andreas Jessen as Balder
- Sanne Salomonsen as Elle
- Saxo Moltke-Leth as Tjalfe
- Cecilia Loffredo as Røskva
- Reza Forghani as Quark
- Salóme Gunnarsdóttir as Freja
- Lára Jóhanna Jónsdóttir as Sif
- Ali Sivandi as Skrymer
- Uffe Lorentzen as Útgarða-Loki
The film was released on October 10, 2019 in Denmark, the same date as the animated feature Valhalla, released in 1986.
Valhalla won Best Visual Effects at the Danish Film Awards (Robert) 2020. It was also nominated for Best Children/Youth Film, Best Production Design, Best Cinematography, and Best Make-Up.
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