This movie follows the story of a rebellious teenage boy named Ben (John-Paul Howard). After his parents separated, he is sent to live with his father for the summer and work at the local marina in order to gain some form of discipline. The tourist town offers little solace for him, however, as he is forced to deal with the local teens and his father’s new girlfriend.
Ben’s problems grow increasingly disturbing when he makes a frightening discovery about the family renting the house next door. A malevolent spirit from the woods has taken ahold of the parents and starts playing a sinister game of house, preying upon the children and wiping away any trace of their existence. Ben’s suspicions of the supernatural horrors go unheeded and he launches a dangerous mission to stop the skin-walking witch’s reign of terror.
The Wretched is both written and directed by Brett Pierce and Drew T. Pierce, aka as the “Pierce Brothers” (Deadheads, Secrets of Fenville).
- Starring : John-Paul Howard / Piper Curda
- Genre : Horror
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Brett Pierce / Drew T. Pierce
- Production : Cailleach Productions
- Distributor : IFC Midnight / Front Row Filmed Entertainment / IFC Films / Première TV Distribution / Vertigo Releasing
The Wretched movie
The Wretched release date
- July 19, 2019 : Canada (Fantasia International Film Festival)
- August 26, 2019 : UK (FrightFest)
- September 28, 2019 : Germany (HARD: LINE Film Festival)
- October 12, 2019 : Australia (Monsterfest Melbourne)
- October 25, 2019 : Canada (Toronto After Dark Film Festival)
- October 27, 2019 : USA (Austin Film Festival)
- November 12, 2019 : Spain (Molins Film Festival)
- December 15, 2019 : USA (New People Cinema, San Francisco)
- May 1, 2020 : USA (internet)
- May 8, 2020 : UK (internet)
The Wretched cast
- John-Paul Howard as Ben
- Piper Curda as Mallory
- Jamison Jones as Liam
- Zarah Mahler as Abbie
- Kevin Bigley as Ty
- Blane Crockarell as Dillon
- Azie Tesfai as Sara
- Gabriela Quezada Bloomgarden as JJ
- Richard Ellis as Gage
- Judah Abner Paul as Nathan
- Ja’layah Washington as Lily
- Amy Waller as Nora
- Ross Kidder as Officer Guthrie
- Kasey Bell as Officer Kopitar
- Harry Burkey as Old Fisherman
The Wretched premiered at the Fantasia Film Festival, where it was nominated for Best Film. It was subsequently shown at the FrightFest in UK, and several genre festivals thereafter. IFC will release The Wretched in select theaters and on VOD on May 1, 2020
On website aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, The Wretched holds an approval rating of 93% based on 14 reviews.
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