Nightshift follows the story of a young Med Tech graduate named Jessie (Yam Concepcion), who’s assigned on the graveyard shift in the morgue of a hospital. She works as the assistant of head pathologist Dr. Alex (Michael de Mesa).
On a busy night duty, Jessie’s replacement couldn’t come on time because of a supertyphoon, leaving her alone in the morgue. Tired and lacking sleep, Jessie begins to sense and witness the dead manifesting signs of resurrection.
Nightshift was written and directed by Yam Laranas (Sigaw, Patient X, The Road, Aurora).
- Starring : Yam Concepcion / Michael De Mesa
- Genre : Horror
- Country : Philippines
- Language : English / Tagalog / Filipino
- Director : Yam Laranas
- Production : Aliud Entertainment / Viva Films
- Distributor : Viva Films
Nightshift movie
Nightshift release date
- January 22, 2020 : Philippines
Nightshift cast
- Yam Concepcion as Jessie
- Michael De Mesa as Dr. Alex
- Jeffrey Quizon
- Soliman Cruz
- Ruby Ruiz as Nurse Bethany
- Mercedes Cabral as Nora
- Irma Adlawan
- Caleb Santos as Carlo (Jessie’s Fiance)
- Roman Perez
- Mayen Estanero
Filipina film and television actress Yam Concepcion (age 31) portrays the role of Jessie. Concepcion is known for her roles in Philippine television series like Halik (Kiss) and Love Thy Woman. Her film credits include Rigodon (2012), This Time (2016), and Amnesia Love (2018).
Michael de Mesa (age 59) plays the role of Dr. Alex in Nightshift. De Mesa is a veteran Filipino actor and director who has appeared in more than 30 films. He began acting at age 16. Since then, he has appeared in various Philippine TV series and films and is still very much active in the field of entertainment. His film credits include Dubai, On the Job, Everything About Her, and Bliss.
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