This movie follows the story of a transgender teenage girl named Laurel (Nicole Maines), who moves to LA and falls in with a gang of feminist vampires who try to rid the city’s streets of predatory men. Not knowing if they want to kill her, befriend her or turn her, she learns to understand the love and dangers of her new group of friends.
Bit is written and directed by horror filmmaker Brad Michael Elmore (The Wolfman’s Hammer, Boogeyman Pop). This indie horror dark comedy movie is produced by Nicholas Cafritz, Robert Reed Peterson, Louis Steyn, T.J. Steyn, and Peter Winther.
- Starring : Nicole Maines / Diana Hopper
- Genre : Comedy / Horror
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Brad Michael Elmore
- Production : Provocator Films
Bit movie
Bit release date
- June 22, 2019 : USA (Frameline)
- April 4, 2020 : USA
Bit cast
- Nicole Maines as Laurel
- Diana Hopper as Duke
- James Paxton as Mark
- Zolee Griggs as Izzy
- M.C. Gainey as Enoch
- Friday Chamberlain as Roya
- Greg Hill as Vlad Manfred Castaneda
- Brent Chase as Jacob
- Seya Hug as Chris
- Riley Litman as Jimmy
- Dayton Sinkia as Bastian
- Christina Sergoyan as Vampire
- Char Diaz as Frog
- Tiffany Milian as Cici
- Nandy McClean as Graduate
Bit premiered at the Frameline Film Festival in San Francisco last year, and it was also shown at MIX Copenhagen. Provocator Films released Bit via VOD on April 24, 2020.
American actress and transgender rights activist Nicole Maines (age 22) won for Outstanding Performance in a U.S. Feature at the L.A. Outfest 2019 for her role in Bit. She was also nominated for Film Performance at The Queerties 2020 Awards. Maines’ acting credits include a television series guest appearance in Royal Pains and a regular role as Nia Nal / Dreamer in Supergirl.
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