This movie follows a loving couple in their thirties, Matt (Kevin Janssens) and Kate (Olga Kurylenko), who moves to a large secluded mansion in upstate New Hampshire. While repairing the old house, they find a mysterious hidden room and soon discover that the room is able to fulfill their great wishes of material possession. Having played with the room enough, the young woman goes too far to wish for a long-awaited child against the wishes of her husband.
The Room is a 2019 French horror film directed by Christian Volckman and starring Olga Kurylenko, Kevin Janssens, John Flanders, Joshua Wilson, and Carole Weyers. The film premiered on April 15, 2019 at the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival.
- Starring : Olga Kurylenko / Kevin Janssens
- Genre : Drama / Mystery / Sci-Fi
- Country : France / Luxembourg / Belgium
- Language : English
- Director : Christian Volckman
- Production : Les Films du Poisson / Versus Production / Bidibul Productions / VOO / BE TV / Canal+ / Ciné+ / Film Fund Luxembourg / Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral Belge / Inver Tax Shelter / Wallimage
- Distributor : Elle Driver / Volga / Cinemundo
The Room movie
The Room release date
- September 18, 2019 : France (Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival)
- October 6, 2019 : Spain (Sitges Film Festival)
- February 6, 2020 : Saudi Arabia
The Room cast
- Olga Kurylenko as Kate
- Kevin Janssens as Matt
- Carole Weyers as Mrs. Schaeffer
- Joshua Wilson as Shane (child)
- John Flanders as John Doe
- Francis Chapman as Shane (teenager)
- Vince Drews as Chet
- Marianne Bourg as Suzanne, the Hospital Receptionist
- Oscar Lesage as Henry
- Michaël Kahya as Mr. Schaeffer
- Jean-Louis Sbille as Shane (age 60)
- Victor Meurice as Shane (old)
- Livio Siscot as Shane (18 months)
- Heather Bailly-Gade as Shane (baby)
- Isaac Kaminski as Shane (baby)
In 2019, the film was officially selected for Hof International Film Festival (Germany), Sitges International Film Festival of Catalonia (Spain), and Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (South Korea), European Fantastic Film Festival (France), Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival (Belgium), Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival (Switzerland), and Ostend Film Festival (Belgium).
French actress and model Olga Kurylenko (age 40) plays the role of Kate. Kurylenko is known for her role as Nika Boronina in the film adaptation of the video game Hitman (2007), and for the role of Bond girl Camille Montes in the 22nd James Bond film, Quantum of Solace (2008). Her film credits include Momentum (2015), To the Wonder (2012), Oblivion (2013), The Water Diviner (2014), Johnny English Strikes Again (2018) and The Room (2019).
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