The Grand Budapest Hotel movie is a 2014 comedy-drama film written and directed by Wes Anderson, that explores tragedy, war, fascism, nostalgia, friendship, and loyalty. Ralph Fiennes leads a seventeen-actor ensemble in the film’s marquee role, Monsieur Gustave H, the famed conciergeof a mountainside resort in the kingdom of Zubrowka.
When Gustave is framed for the murder of a wealthy dowager (Tilda Swinton), he and his recently-befriended protégé Zero (Tony Revolori) embark on a quest for fortune and a priceless Renaissance painting against the backdrop of impending pandemonium. Anderson’s American Empirical Pictures produced the film in association with Studio Babelsberg and Indian Paintbrush’s Scott Rudin and Steven Rales. Fox Searchlight Pictures handled commercial distribution of the film. The Grand Budapest Hotel was financed by Indian Paintbrush and a German government-funded rebate program.
- Starring : Ralph Fiennes / F. Murray Abraham
- Genre : Adventure / Comedy / Crime
- Country : Germany / United States
- Language : English / French / German
- Director : Wes Anderson
- Production : Fox Searchlight Pictures / Indian Paintbrush / Studio Babelsberg / American Empirical Pictures / TSG Entertainment / Scott Rudin Productions
- Distributor : Fox Searchlight Pictures / 20th Century Fox Argentina / 20th Century Fox / Barracuda Movie / Big Picture 2 Films / CinemArt / InterCom / Odeon / SF Film Finland / Twentieth Century Fox C.I.S. / Twentieth Century Fox / Warner Bros. / 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment / Film1 / Fox-Paramount Home Entertainment / Hollydan Works / SBS / Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
The Grand Budapest Hotel movie
The Grand Budapest Hotel release date
- February 6, 2014 : Germany (Berlin International Film Festival)
- February 20, 2014 : UK (Glasgow Film Festival)
- February 26, 2014 : Switzerland (French speaking region)
- February 26, 2014 : France
- March 6, 2014 : Switzerland (German speaking region)
- March 6, 2014 : Germany
- March 6, 2014 : Israel
- March 7, 2014 : UK
- March 7, 2014 : Ireland
- March 7, 2014 : USA (limited)
- March 14, 2014 : Canada (limited)
- March 20, 2014 : Singapore
- March 21, 2014 : Spain
- March 21, 2014 : Sweden
- March 28, 2014 : USA
- April 10, 2014 : Australia
- April 10, 2014 : Switzerland (Italian speaking region)
- April 19, 2014 : Philippines (limited)
- June 6, 2014 : Japan
- November 14, 2014 : USA (MoMA – The Contenders)
- November 2, 2015 : Japan (Tokyo Gohan Film Festival)
- September 3, 2017 : France (Deauville Film Festival)
The Grand Budapest Hotel cast
- Ralph Fiennes as M. Gustave
- F. Murray Abraham as Mr. Moustafa
- Mathieu Amalric as Serge X.
- Adrien Brody as Dmitri
- Willem Dafoe as Jopling
- Jeff Goldblum as Deputy Kovacs
- Harvey Keitel as Ludwig
- Jude Law as Young Writer
- Bill Murray as M. Ivan
- Edward Norton as Henckels
- Saoirse Ronan as Agatha
- Jason Schwartzman as M. Jean
- Léa Seydoux as Clotilde
- Tilda Swinton as Madame D.
- Tom Wilkinson as Author
Anderson and longtime collaborator Hugo Guinness concocted The Grand Budapest Hotel as a fragmented tale following a character inspired by a mutual friend. They initially struggled to develop their idea further, but the experience touring Europe and researching literature by Austrian novelist Stefan Zweig shaped their ambitions for The Grand Budapest Hotel. The film also draws from Europe-set mid-century Hollywood films and the Library of Congress’s photocrom print collection of alpine resorts for visual motifs. Principal photography took place in eastern Germany, consuming a ten-week period from January to March 2013. French composer Alexandre Desplat provided The Grand Budapest Hotel’s music, an ambient symphonic score that expands upon the sounds and instrumentation of his early work with Anderson.
The Grand Budapest Hotel premiered in competition at the 64th Berlin International Film Festival on February 6, 2014. The French theatrical release preceded the film’s global rollout on February 26, followed by general releases in Germany, North America and the United Kingdom on March 6–7. It received highly positive reviews from the media and was cited as one of the strongest films of the year. BBC chose The Grand Budapest Hotel as one of the greatest films of the twenty-first century. The film earned $173 million in box office revenue worldwide, bolstered by fatiguing interest in resurgent studio films hoping to capitalize on award prestige and good word-of-mouth support from a younger, casual audience. It lead the 87th Academy Awards season with nine nominations, and won several other honors chiefly for writing and technical achievement.
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