Paradise Lost Season 1 – Set in small-town Mississippi, this southern gothic mystery follows prodigal son, Yates Forsythe (Josh Hartnett), as he returns to his hometown with his wife, Frances (Bridget Regan) – a woman very new to this very old community. As explosive secrets become unearthed, Yates’ loyalties are tested as he struggles to choose between his past and his future.
Season : 1
Release date: April 13, 2020 at 3:01 AM
Network: Spectrum
Cast: Josh Hartnett, Bridget Regan, Nick Nolte, Barbara Hershey, Shane McRae, Elaine Hendrix, Brett Rice, Danielle Deadwyler, Gail Bean, John Marshall Jones, Silas Weir Mitchell, Autry Haydon-Wilson
Paradise lost is a drama and mystery series created by author Rodes Fishburne. It is executive produced by Fishburne, who also co-showruns the series with Arika Lisanne Mittman, Jeff Okin, Romeo Tirone, and David Kanter.
The pilot, which was filmed in Baton Rouge, was directed by John Lee Hancock. The cast is led by Josh Hartnett and also includes Nick Nolte, Barbara Hershey, Bridget Regan, Shane McRae, and Elaine Hendrix.
The 10-episode series, from Paramount Television Studios and Anonymous Content, will be released on Monday, April 13, ad-free exclusively on Spectrum’s On Demand platform.
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