A powerful and uplifting drama about the power of faith, Fatima tells the story of a 10-year old shepherd named Lucia and her two young cousins Jacinta and Francisco in Fátima, Portugal, who report seeing visions of the Virgin Mary in 1917. Their revelations inspire believers but anger officials of both the Church and the secular government, who try to force them to recant their story. As word of their prophecy spreads, tens of thousands of religious pilgrims flock to the site in hopes of witnessing a miracle. What they experience will change their lives forever.
- Starring : Stephanie Gil / Joaquim De Almeida
- Genre : Drama
- Country : United States / Portugal
- Language : English
- Director : Marco Pontecorvo
- Production : Origin Entertainment / Rose Pictures / Panorama Films
- Distributor : Picturehouse
Fatima movie
Fatima release date
- April 24, 2020 : USA
- May 8, 2020 : Spain
Fatima cast
- Stephanie Gil as Lucia
- Joaquim de Almeida as Father Ferreira
- Lúcia Moniz as Maria Rosa
- Joana Ribeiro as Mary
- Harvey Keitel as Professor Nichols
- Sonia Braga as Sister Lucia
- Goran Visnjic as Artur
- Alba Baptista as Mrs. Lopez Daughter
- João Arrais as Manuel Santos
- Marco D’Almeida as António
- Joana Pais de Brito
- Simão Cayatte as Captain Ribeiro
- Ana Moreira
- Carla Bolito
- Dinarte de Freitas as Man in Crowd 2
Fatima is directed by Italian cinematographer and filmmaker Marco Pontecorvo (Pa-ra-da; Partly Cloudy with Sunny Spells) from a screenplay written by Valerio D’Annunzio, Barbara Nicolosi, and Marco Pontecorvo. Fatima will be shown in select US theaters starting April 24, 2020.
The movie is based on the true story of Lúcia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos, and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto, who were called “visionaries” to the Marian apparitions in Fátima in 1917. Francisco and Jacinto Marto have been canonized and are among the youngest Catholic saints. Lucia has been accorded the title Servant of God in 2017, as the first major step toward her canonization.
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