The Letter for the King is a sweeping fantasy series that follows a teenage knight-in-training (Amir Wilson) who receives a secret letter on which the fate of the kingdom depends. He embarks on an epic quest to deliver the letter to the king and stop the world from being plunged into darkness.
Release date: March 20, 2020 @ 3:01 AM
Network: Netflix
Cast: Amir Wilson, Ruby Serkis, Nathanael Saleh, Thaddea Graham, Islam Bouakkaz, Jack Barton, Jonah Lees, Yorick van Wageningen, Gijs Blom, Jakob Oftebro, Emilie Cocquerel
This coming-of-age fantasy-drama series is based on Tonke Dragt’s bestselling medieval adventure novel “De brief voor de koning” (The Letter for the King), originally published in 1962. The novel has been translated into 25 languages, including English in 2014. It was crowned as the Best Children’s Book of the Year in 1963 by CPNB and won the Griffel der Griffels for Best Children’s Book published between 1954 and 2004.
The Letter for the King is Netflix’s first Dutch book adaptation. It wrapped shooting in New Zealand and moved to Prague in early 2019.
Will Davies (How To Train Your Dragon, Puss In Boots) will serve as executive producer and showrunner. Dutch producer Paul Trijbits executive produces for FilmWave while Chris Clark is the series producer. Alex Holmes and Felix Thompson will direct the series.
Amir Wilson portrays Tiuri, a 15-year-old squire who finds himself on a dangerous mission that could cost him his life. Wilson is young actor, best known for The Secret Garden (2020) and The Kid Who Would Be King (2019).
Ruby Serkis plays the role of Lavinia, a determined and adventurous gal ahead of her time. She joins Tiuri on the adventure to deliver the letter to the king. Serkis is an actress, known for S** & Drugs & Rock & Roll (2010) and National Treasure (2016).
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