Nick Merico (age 23), a former American Idol Hollywood week dropout, comes back to the show singing “You Say” by Lauren Daigle during the Auditions round of American Idol 2020 (Season 18).
Merico said he backed out from American Idol 2019 because he had some “personal” problems.
Nick Merico’s performance for the American Idol 2020 season premiere was great, but the judges have some misgivings about his overconfidence (some people online described him as cocky). They advised him, more like lectured him about it. Katy Perry said she feels Nick thinks he’s “too good for us” while Lionel Richie bluntly stated he does not like Nick, especially his attitude.
Despite their criticisms, the judges gave Nick Merico his second golden ticket to Hollywood, advancing him to the next level of American Idol 2020.
Nick Merico was an actor prior to joining American Idol’s Season 17, but he said his first love is music. His credits include the movie Charlie’s Angels (2011), and the tv series The Haunted Hathaways and Every Witch Way, playing the male lead role in the latter. He now lives in Woodland Hills, California working as a server.
When he came back for an audition on American Idol 2020, Luke Bryan said, “You abandoned us, you left us,” while Katy Perry remarked, “Are you back on your knees pleading for a second chance?” To which, Nick replied, “Is that what you want,” like he’s ready to do it if he was asked to.
But all of the judges said No, though Katy said, “figuratively.”
Nick then said, “Yes” and that he’s going to “play for you, guys.”
Asked why he backed out in 2019, Nick said some personal things went down and he “had to figure out a lot of things.” He said he is grateful that he is given a second chance.
Katy warned him, “Well, you better not ghost us again. ‘Cause it triggers me.” Nick Merico promised her he won’t.
After his performance of “You Say,” Luke Bryan commented, “You’re still dreamy and you can sing.”
Katy Perry told Nick Merico she enjoyed the chorus and the cry in the chorus, “I just have this feeling that you think you’re too good for us. (Nick dissented.) She continued by saying, “I mean that’s the only reason you would abandon us. Yeah, sure, you got a lot of things going for you. You’re cool, your nice eyes, you sing well. You definitely tick a lot of boxes. So, all I’m saying is, if you do go to Hollywood, just like, be open to being molded and shaped, and the whole thing. Because you do have a good chance, but there’s one thing that’s gonna get in the way, and don’t let it – it’s going to be your ego. Ok? ‘Cause we don’t really tolerate that.”
Nick said he understands and agreed with Katy.
Luke Bryan said that last year he remarked that Nick Merico is the “carbon cutout of a teeny bopper heartthrob, “his tremendous eyebrows and he could sing.” Luke conceded, “Yeah man, you’re going to Hollywood, in my opinion.”
Lionel said, “We have a big problem. Honestly, because, I don’t like you. I got to be honest with you, I don’t like you and for some good reason it’s not sitting well with me. I don’t like your attitude and I don’t really think you gonna make it in Hollywood. Now how do you feel right now?”
When Nick Merico said that he felt hurt, Lionel said, “Good. Because that’s exactly what I want you to feel like. Because I want you to understand what it feels like when people don’t adore you.”
Then he approached Nick and demonstrated that he wants to take him from a high to a low. “And then I want you to come back up here now when we tell him. He’s gonna work real hard and give us the goods, lose the rest.”
Katy added, “If you play it a little bit more modest, and a little bit more humble in this process, you’ll have America’s heart.”
After voicing out their opinions, all the judges had to say their line, “You’re going to Hollywood!” Luke Bryan added, “and a therapist.”
In a post interview, Nick said Lionel scared him and he loved him for it. “The judges really let me have it. It made me really see things in a new perspective.” Nick promised he won’t let the judges down this time around.
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